everconfused wrote:
Butterfly, oh I'm sorry! Shingles, from what I understand can be horrible. It's also contagious - if you've been around anyone who hasn't had chicken pox, they can get that - not shingles, chicken pox.
I found these pages, they might help:
http://www.medinfo.co.uk/conditions/shingles.htmlhttp://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2001/301_pox.htmlHope your recovery time is faster than the norm!
I did some research on it earlier when the rash was getting really bad, so I did read about it. Maybe not from there.
Thankfully everyone in my family has had it at some time or another. My sister is the only exception. She was lucky. She got the vaccine. Obviously it was too late for me with the vaccine coming out at 1995. I had gotten it much earlier when I was about five years old.
About the recovery part, I hope so too. I'm not like bed ridden in pain, so I can move about, sit down and get on my computer. That's good. Unfortunatly that means I can't get away from doing chores around the house. <_<
The doctor said about the pain that it's most painful in the elderly. If a young person like me or him gets it, the pain is not as bad. I hope that's true. I guess it must be if I'm not totally laying in bed able to do nothing but cry out.
The worst part is the rash and the sticky feeling. The sharp pain is annoying but I can deal with it, except for occasional outbursts. The itching I'm sort of used to, because I have dry skin and allergies. Itching is a common thing for me.
With the rash I have to sort of go around in my house topless or with my shirt tucked into my bra.

The rash is what really complains if it gets touched.
I guess the neighbors get a rare treat.

Obviously that only works when at home. I'm not doing that outside, no way.