-Share your best april fools prank YOU've pulled off.
-Share the best april fools prank youve seen SOMEBODY ELSE pull off.
-Share some pranks you're pulling this year!
-Ask for opinions on a good way to prank somebody in particular!
My best was last year, when I saw a video online and copied it... we have to fridges in our house, and one is virtually empty, so i took all of the junk from one fridge, and moved in to the other. I then took out enough shelves in the fridge for me to fit in.... and then I sat in there, quite cold, for about 20 minutes or so until my dad FINALLY came and opened the fridge and i jumped out and scared the CRAP out of him! yeaahhhhh
The best one ive SEEN is when a girl cut off a chunk of her hair, and went up to a guy in choir class, who has virtually the same hair color. She then took a pair of scizzors and snip snipped behind to make him THINK she was cutting his hair... then he turned around to see the tuft of hair in her hands... (which was HER hair, of course) and hes like... you... YOU B----! and he chased her around.... and hes like "omg, are you serious?!?!" and he turned around, and people in class pretended to point and laugh at a bald spot on the back of his head that didnt exist. ahhh. yes.
This year, i'll pull the same ones i do every year.... including putting clear masking tape on the spray hose handels in the home-ec class, so when somebody turns on the sink they get sprayed hahaha *always works, and im friends with the teacher so she doesnt care*. I also have the remains of a smashed i-pod, so im going to run off with my friends iPod, stick it in my pocket, go outside, and throw the remains of the other ipod at the wall so he thinks i destroyed his iPod... hahahaha. that will be fun.