ahoteinrun wrote:
Cats shouldn't be kept outdoors anyways. Despite what people may say about them "needing" to go outside, a domestic cat, is indeed a domestic animal. By allowing it to remain outside it can get into fights with other cats (or other species, dogs, rats, birds), it can get killed, it can get hurt. They can be hit by cars, trucks, trains, people... etc. Pet cats, should be kept indoors and allowed outside under supervision.
Cats shouldn't be kept outside no (unless they are farm/barn cats) but allowing them out is perfectly acceptable, and in my opinion completely to be recommended (either roaming free, in a cat-proof garden, or at worst in an enclosure [the latter two are under supervision as you said ^^ ... parenthisis explosion!]). Cats are outside creatures, they enjoy the luxuries of living indoors when they like
and going out to be hunters and explorers when they want. Cats are only really "domesticated" in a very loose sense of the word.
My cat is allowed outside whenever he wants and is frequently outside during the whole night catching his mice and having a ball. When kept indoors for too long he cries and gets depressed. Other cats and traffic are a danger but one I am willing to risk to keep him happy. Having him so depressed wouldn't be much of a life for him anyway.
Admittedly the house he lives in is a) in the UK (I hadn't even heard of such a thing as "indoor cats" until I came on to the internet a few years back - here that is almost unheard of), and b) a town with little traffic around him. However, if my parents lived in a city they wouldn't have a cat in the first place. You bend your life around the pet, not the other way around etc. I am hoping to own two pedigree cats in the near future and because they won't be as "street-wise" I plan to cat-proof the garden.
I understand that this can be a heated subject (again, something I was not aware of until coming online and being shouted at for "not loving my cat enough") so I don't really want to press the point too much. I feel very sad that this cat has been forced to stay indoors after experiencing the outdoors (as much as I disagree with indoor cats, I hate even more the idea of turning a once indoor/outdoor cat into one), and it seems to me that smudgeoffudge has it bang on - the cat wants attention. No such thing as a bad cat really, just bad owners.
And yeah, why on earth didn't the owner clip the claws or get a good scratching post?
Edit: as an afterthought, all of the above may be very different in the US in terms of dangers - alligators and stuff? I wouldn't know, heh. There seems to be a huge cultural difference between cat care in N. America and cat care in Europe. But I do think it is very important that the owner bends their life around the cat they have chosen to look after, not force the cat to bend around their life. If that makes sense.