It's the Easter Holidays (for me at least!) in Britain at the moment, so to keep things short and sweet - I'm bored as heck.
So, as I was conversing with my lovely friend and fellow PPTer, Rachel, she suggested that I make some muffins and put letters on them. "Good plan!" I said. I had lots of minor hitches (such as there not being any bun cases anywhere, and me burning myself on the oven shelf - ouch!), however in the end I made a lovely assortment of chocolate chip muffins.
I started my baking with the sole intention of simply posting the pictures on the PPT Picture Topic. However, then an idea stuck me. What if I made a story for the words?

"Good plan!" I said to myself.
Alas, alot of mess and sticky fingers later - here is the story. I hope you're sitting comfortably
The Evil Chicken
Once upon a time, there was a little cottage made entirely of marshmallows and chicken poop - originally, it was supposed to be a take on the Gingerbread house, 'cept marshmallows are much sexier so they were used...however, people started to eat the house, so chicken poop was used as cement to stop people from chomping it down.
The house was not inhabited by ordinary people! Ohhh no. There was one being that lived there, and he was omnipotent, onniscienct and basically a big pain in the backside. His name was...
So, yeah. He lived in his big fancy house and did whatever posh chickens do - I presume stuff like watch The Golf Channel and lay eggs.
...totally lorded it over everybody else, and the citizens of...
...were very very sad indeed. They were made to work day and night, creating little boys and girls by mixing slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails, and sugar and spice and everything nice, all together in a big massive cauldren. There was, however, one citizen that had the guts to get up and do something about it. She was beautiful, funny and terrifying...her name was...
...and she was super-duper!!
So, one day she tried to invade...
...'s marshmallow and chicken poop house. It worked rather well actually, she knocked down the door and threatened...
...with a great big spork! They had a ferocious battle, but in the end goodness prevailed and...
...kicked major chicken butt! So, the citizens of...
...were now veryvery happy indeed! The End!
I hope I have provided you with a lovely insight into that fat chicken at the top of your screens, please come again soon and be sure to place your litter into the nearest trash receptical.