Um, is it okay if I don't put this in Homework Help? ^^; Seeing as I'll probably be a lot more likely to find the right person by posting it like this
This is a graded science assignment about smoking that I have to do

Basically, I need somebody who smokes, or used to smoke. Not just like a puff or so every 6 months, but at least once or twice every week, I should think. Originally I tried to find sombody IRL, but nobody really that I knew smoked (or they couldn't speak English xP) So I decided to plea for the help of my wonderful PPT friends =D
I'll PM you around 10-15 questions and it would be nice if I had just a bit more detail than one-word answers ^^; About 2-3 lines per answer, maybe. The questions will be things related to health and things like "Why did you start smoking?" and "Did you know about the health issues related to smoking when you started?" etc. Oh, and I may PM you back with a couple more questions xDDD
So, pwease help? *bats eyelids* I only have 3 days left to do this! x_x;
Thank you in advance!
PS. Please state if you are currently smoking or if you have given up ^^;