Once you've found someone you really want to be with, it's not so hard to spend your whole life with them. Think of it as a very best friend that is with you always.
Tim and I will have been together for ten years this September. When we met, we liked each other from the start. We met at chorus practice in college and I also liked this cute guy with long hair that was trying out and Tim liked this other girl with a bigger chest. lol We stuck to each other, though. I thought he was really dorky, but he was cute like a puppy dog and he didn't think a girl like me would go out with him. haha We talked and he walked me to my car and that's that. There weren't violins playing or fireworks or any of that. It was more of a "Oh, so there you are" feeling, like we found our other half and just moved on from there.
We have fights, as my friends know, and they can get pretty bad. We've been through a lot of very tough times, but they've made us stronger. We've also had very excellent times and the thought of being without him, even after all we've been through, breaks my heart. It's bad enough that he has to leave from 7:30am - 6pm every week day to go to work. haha Every morning I ask him to stay home. XD Then we call each other up throughout the day whenever something happens that we want to share or when we just miss the other one. We can't even stand being apart at home. lol When one of us is obviously doing something else and the other isn't getting enough attention, we'll seek the busy one out and suddenly need to interact with them until we get attention. This can get bothersome at times, but it is sweet.
We know each other better than anyone else ever will. We have vastly different religions and we were brought up with different political ideas as well. Our families have different morals and different ideas of what "family" is and such, but in spite of all that, we can't imagine being with anyone else. When you are in a relationship you should compromise, but know where you stand. If there is something really big you don't want to compromise on, make that clear off the bat. Don't mislead someone just because you think it'll make them like you better. Also, don't say things even in an arguement you don't mean just to prove your point or hurt the other person because they might not forget. Don't end anything badly either. No matter how bad things get, we try to always make the situation at least decent before we go to bed or someone has to go somewhere, etc. Anything could happen at any time and you don't want your last words to be harsh ones.
Even when we're being stubborn and upset, we know we can make the other person laugh or at least smile if we try hard enough. That can be infuriating at times, as well.

It can be very hard to be mad at someone when they know what you find funny. I frequently have to tell Tim, "Just because I'm laughing, it doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you." lol
It's hard to believe it's been ten years already. The girls are getting older as well. Morgan is 8, Jasmine is almost 7, Robin is 4 1/2, and Gwen is 3. Time sure flies fast. lol It's so weird to think it's been so long because it doesn't seem like it at all. When you find someone you want to be with, you won't even notice the time go by. We don't even think about "I can imagine being old with you." It's more like "I can't wait to be with you again tomorrow." ^.^