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 Post subject: Wisdom Teeth help please?
PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:00 pm 
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Hey everyone. Yesterday I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out and Im pretty sore. :( My left side is all swolen up today and it is really really hard to eat or chew on anything in my mouth. For breakfast I had soggy cheerios and I know I can eat soup because that is what I had yesterday. Anyways I was curious if anyone here who has had their wisdom teeth out can recommend something for me to eat other than just soup? I know I need to eat but I can barely open my mouth and soup is so boring.

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:45 pm 
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You could consider fruit smoothies, but you might want them to warm up a little bit if you're temperature-sensitive.


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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:55 pm 
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shapu wrote:
You could consider fruit smoothies, but you might want them to warm up a little bit if you're temperature-sensitive.

And strain them.
You wouldn't want something to get stuck in the wounds from your wisdom teeth (I'm not sure if yours are sutured or not).

I really don't know. You could attempt noodles, soft ones, like rice vermicelli noodles, or "ramen" really soft. Just cut them up before you eat them so they're nice and small and suck-down-able

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:57 pm 
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Three of them have stitches and one doesn't. I already got a noodle stuck in it once but I like sucked it out after much freaking out. A smoothie sounds like a really good idea because Im craving fruit but its too firm to eat. Thanks :)

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 5:07 pm 
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Neko, sorry to hear you had it done, but glad it's over with! If you are in that much pain, definitely stick with liquids and extremely soft stuff.

Jello is a good one.... or pudding... and you know you can eat it before it is set (firm). Mom used to give us warm, un-set jello to drink when we had tummy upset, to get some energy into our bodies!

Also, just a warning. Follow the doctor's recommendations about NOT using straws or sucking in any way. That is the fastest way to get "dry sockets" which is when the scabs fall out of the tooth holes!

How do I know this, you ask? Why, yours truly had a very excellent case of dry sockets. It didn't hurt so awfully bad as I expected; in fact, the only way that I knew there was anything wrong was that I had this awful taste in my mouth, ALL the time. Everything tasted wrong. People could stand 3 feet away from me and smell the nastiness. And guess what it was.... DRY SOCKETS! It was the flesh in my mouth, rotting.

My husband also experienced this problem 10 years earlier when he had his done.

Anyhow, it's nothing to be scared about, but just please, don't disregard what the doc tells ya... amazingly enough they know what they're talking about! :)

So... Jell-o. Pudding. Soup. Fruit Juice. super-fine mashed potatoes (like use potato flakes or super-mash them in the blender). Anything you can swallow without chewing or by only mushing them up a bit with your front teeth. :)

Happy recovery!

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 6:28 pm 
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Ah, wisdom tooth extraction. *shiver*
I had stitches in every single socket. All of my teeth grew in sideways. It was dreadful. I hope you feel better soon.
As far as food goes, I ate a lot of mashed potatos with chopped up hot dogs. Maruchan Wanton Noodle soup cups were on top of my to eat list as well. The noodles are nice and big, so they don't get caught in anything. Once the sockets started healing a bit more, I moved up to macaroni and cheese with bits of hot dogs.


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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 7:50 pm 
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robot wrote:
Once the sockets started healing a bit more, I moved up to macaroni and cheese with bits of hot dogs.

Hot dogs inside M&C is good, but mac and cheese with beef mixed in is awesome -- especially when you add 1 pound to two boxes 8)

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 7:50 pm 
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You seemed.. slightly addicted to hotdogs?

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:25 pm 
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miz sparrow wrote:
Also, just a warning. Follow the doctor's recommendations about NOT using straws or sucking in any way. That is the fastest way to get "dry sockets" which is when the scabs fall out of the tooth holes!

Actually my doctor didn't say anything about not sucking/using straws. Infact on the sheet of stuff to do and not do that I was given they crossed that part out. Im not planning on using straws anyways and I wont be sucking much I was just trying to get the noodle out.

Thanks for all the suggestions I just had some KD and it was ok and my mom bought those mushy fruit cup things and I'll have some pudding later. Im going to stay away from the hot dogs.. any thought of meat is making me sick right now. I'm also going to have some mashed potatos for dinner.

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:37 pm 
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.neko. wrote:
miz sparrow wrote:
Also, just a warning. Follow the doctor's recommendations about NOT using straws or sucking in any way. That is the fastest way to get "dry sockets" which is when the scabs fall out of the tooth holes!

Actually my doctor didn't say anything about not sucking/using straws. Infact on the sheet of stuff to do and not do that I was given they crossed that part out. Im not planning on using straws anyways and I wont be sucking much I was just trying to get the noodle out.

That's weird. My doctor told me no straws/ sucking either, for the same reason. I ate a lot of spagetti... just swallowed it. And yogurt. Hamburger... anything that can be pretty much put in your mouth and swallowed. corn, peas, little bits of stuff.

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:43 pm 
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.. This should be the perfect topic to ask this question.
Lately I've been having problems with my two wisdom teeth, specifically on the bottom row.

When I asked a friend about it who had hers removed, she said she had dental surgery. Whether this is a stupid question or not, do they honestly need surgery to remove them?. I've had a few teeth pulled, but I'd rather know what to expect whenever I find another dentist to make an appointment with (mine left this state for good months ago).

She also said hers was infected. Would I apply under the same conditions? I've.. never heard of tooth infections when the teeth haven't actually been removed yet. Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe I'm just blind. :P

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:11 pm 
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I had all 4 taken tou, stitches in all 4 and my face looked like someone stuffed me full of cotton.

I ate yougrt for the first 3 weeks since I couldnt even close my mouth. I don't think I have ever eaten so much yogurt in my entrie life. I also did milk shakes a couple times.

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:20 pm 
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First to answer .neko.'s question about foods to eat: I recommend applesauce, ice cream, yogurt, corn bread. When I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I couldn't eat anything solid for about a week. My cheeks were huge and people could actually see that my jaw was bruised (yeah, it was fun). As far as the dry sockets, my doctor actually gave me a syringe that I had to fill with water and I had to squirt the water right over the sutures in my mouth. I had to do that every couple hours for like 3 or 4 days.

To answer dusket's question: I think it all depends on your mouth and your preferences. Some people never have to have their wisdom teeth taken out because there is room in their mouth. Other people don't have to have them taken out because they are impacted (covered with bone). It's recommended though that almost everyone get them taken out no matter what your situation is as they are the most common teeth to have infection problems and such. My widsom teeth were impacted and I had to go under anesthesia. My three widsom teeth (yes, three, not four...I'm odd) had to be cut into four pieces each and pulled out. Luckily, all I remember is the needle going in my arm and then waking up in a different room.

Wisdom teeth = good times [/sarcasm]

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:21 pm 
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My 2nd Wisdom Tooth is comeing out. It hurts but at least my 1st widom tooth is over. When my tooth was in pain I tried not to eat that much or talk because it would hurt me so if yours is giving you some problems, just try not to eat that much and drink more then eating.

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:42 pm 
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Dusket wrote:
Whether this is a stupid question or not, do they honestly need surgery to remove them?...

She also said hers was infected. Would I apply under the same conditions? I've.. never heard of tooth infections when the teeth haven't actually been removed yet. Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe I'm just blind. :P

Whether you require surgery or not depends on your situation, I think. I've heard that they tend to put you under (general anaesthetic) if you're having all 4 out, but they sometimes just give you local anaesthetic if it's only 1 or 2. Then again, one of my friends went to the US for an exchange, and she had all 4 out just under local!

And yeah, all my wisdom teeth seemed to be fine, to me at least... they weren't hurting at all. But apparently one of them was impacted and infected, under the surface, so they took them all out! (I was sad, I quite liked them :().

.neko. - Custard and chocolate mousse haven't been mentioned, I think! Rice pudding and porridge are also quite soft but they do have a few chunks that might be troublesome... so maybe they'd be better left to the inbetween time when your gums are semi-healed. I also remember drinking tons of fruit juice. Oh, and maybe scrambled eggs would be a good squishy savoury dish.

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