I was checking out the last few pages of the Misc Disc, dunno why, just to see what we were like back then or something...and guess what I found on page 79!

This thread had already been reincarnated...by the same person who did it this time...me!
So I went through the whole thing and pulled some I thought were funny (even if I didn't entirely get some of them). I didn't try to do that with any splits, for reasons that will become obvious when you see how long this post is...there's also one thing that's not about what we wouldn't say, instead it's a mental image that resulted from some of the "anti-quotes" as I like to call them.
Chrome: You know, I have so many posts I think I'll share them with everyone else!
Yoshi: What this set? I just used Clipart from 1996. It's ok that it's pixelated.
Jim: I'll use apostrophes forever and ever! They're so cool! I've decided to use them because of this!
All group members (CCC, ASP, Gnomes, etc.): Ah, a group! get it away from me, it burns! It BURNS- what do you mean by 'I'm a member?'
HL: wuts Java? its new coffeee???? lyke omg, im gona get sum... brb ppls
Bendigimon/Torque: I think I'll stick with this name.
Alex: Oh wow, Emma Watson's role in PoA just blows me away! I mean, changing a slap into a punch, her clothes, and her hair was...ingenious. I swear.
Yoshi: Dude! When I grow up, i'm gonna be a big smelly jock whose also a school counsellor! I'm going to be on the football team, and give people swirlys all day long and then... just for fun... i'll hit people in the head multiple times...
man i'd be cool!
Chromefox: I finished the RPG!
Iashi: Ok, you're right.
Anubis: What the heck are you talking about?! Role... -plee?
_jade_em_: Guess what! I've decided to stop switching identites with people!
Jim: I just wuv pwetty fwuffy kitties. I want to hug them and squeeze them forever and ever and ever.
Fiddelysquat: I love you. Will you be my friend
Jim: Rune, will you marry me?
Runevalkyrie: Yes! I love you too!
Cyanna: I HATE blue!
Me: I feel happy today! What? Whaddya mean I'm depressed? I have a perfectly joyful life! :mrgreen:
Jim: 0M6 137'5 4'11 U'53 4'P057'R0PH'35!!!11!!!1q!!!!111!!0N3!!!313V3N!@!!11!
Fidds: 3y3'm 5700p1d 1010010101110101
Googi/Iashi: I'm going to be random! La la la!
Too many people to list: I hate making people feel happy. I hate being friendly. I hate you.
Anubis: I can't stand writing, too many words!
Me: Everyone always pays attention to me! GET AWAY! *hides* ((hint hint...))
Cheese: Everyone cut me up into slices and eat me!
SL: I hate PPT! *closes down*
TNT: We love PPT! *opens up a PPT fansite* ((okay, so they're not PPT members, but who cares?))
Cae: I'm Sock!
Fidds: | 10\/3 |-||14ry |)|_||=|=!
Chass: I hate gummy bears. When I do eat them (god forbid) I like to bite of their arms and legs off and then they're tummy and then I throw away the head.
Rune: Frying pan of doom? Why would I use something stupid like that? And what makes you think that I'm violent?
Chris: Umm... 10 animes? Wow, I'm hard-pressed to name two!
Jim: Due to our new rule system, PPT is now allowed to wage war on other Neopets fan sites! I suggest we begin with Neowarrior, then move on to Neohero... c'mon, people! Get into the spirit- FLAME!
Pudding: Pudding? Why would I ever like pudding? I'm Jello!
Fiddleysquat: I love filling up my blog with Memes- they describe me so well!
Borovan2000: Guess what guys? Neoschools are coming next week!
Jim: Since it's Christmas and all, I've decided to give everybody on the ban list a second chance!
Tymaporer: OMG YUO DONT LISTEN TO JESIKA SIMPSEN?!/1/?!??!?! WTH IS WRONG WIT U?!?/!?/!??!?!?!?11?!
Sandra: My horse is such a little snotrag. He was being cheeky with me today, so I whacked him with a chainsaw. Snooty little runt.
Fidds - I love people making poems about my greatness! I'm so much better than you! Free strikes for all!!
Runevalkyrie: I'm feeling good. so I'm going to give everyone 10,000 posts!
Zero!: Zero... who is this zero you speak of? Mega... man? Is that one of those newfangled adding machines i've heard so much about?
SL: Time to get serious you guys.
Cyanna: Why are you wasting my time? I don't care if your new. Look, I'll answer your freaking question when I actaully get paid for doing this.
Fidds: Don't you just love it when guys whistle and you and tell you how hot you are. Makes me glad we were put on earth for their enjoyment. Teehehe.
Yoshi: I LOVE going through PI apps! Fwee!
Yoshi: No, Cae, I think it's MY connection that doesn't work, not yours. STUPID COMPUTER *bangs on computer*
Yoshi: I think I'll use snicker for the rest of my life. Out goes snigger! *Tosses snigger out the window* Snicker snicker snicker..
Iashi- Stop fighting! Can't we all just say everyone is right?
Morningstar wrote:
iconoplast wrote:
I'd also like to add that this thread has caused me to permanently have a mental picture of Jim stuck in my head... he's dresed in a navy uniform and squealing like a fangirl. :shock:
Thanks, now I have that wonderful picture stuck in my head--only he has a striped cat on each shoulder licking his face and one really pretty long-haired white cat weaving in and out of his ankles, purring contentedly.
Yoshi: I'll just give them these half finished graphics I did years ago. Who cares if they like it, they'll deal.
Amethyst: yoh?... yoh? Hmmm, doesn't ring a bell.
Christopher: I've just come to the intelligent conclusion that anime truly and thoroughly
sucks. I'll be watching Barney now. What can beat a purple dinosaur?
Jim: The real reason why I allowed the Smurf filter is because I'm terrified of them.
Caesara: I want to marry that hott guy over there and dress up pickles in baby nappies.
Jim: Oh, Runie-poo! Marry me!
Rune: Yes, my love! We can have twenty children, and eight cats! We'll name them all after different species of plants!