This is a bit violent - hope that's okay.
I dreamt a few nights ago that I was at Elliott Smith's high school (for those who don't know, he was an absolutely brilliant musician who died in '03 - *points to signature*). Somehow I had travelled back in time and he was there at about age fifteen, eating lunch with a bunch of friends in the cafeteria. I went over and talked to them, and for some reason they didn't think it was at all odd that some random girl they'd never met was suddenly having a conversation with them. I really wanted to say something meaningful to Elliott, but he was just a kid and if I'd said anything relating to his later life he wouldn't have understood. Yes, I actually did that much thinking in the dream.
So anyhow, after chatting for awhile, I got hungry and decided to go get some food. I got in line, then noticed that people were freaking out. Some kid had walked into the cafeteria with a gun and was threatening people with it. He hadn't shot anyone yet, but clearly it was a bad situation.
The guy next to me in line also turns out to have a gun, which he hands to me, telling me to shoot at the other kid before he hurts someone. I've never shot a handgun, and I had no idea why he was asking *me* to do this, but I got a clear line of vision and shot.
Of course, I missed by a mile. The guy noticed, turned, and shot me in the stomach. It didn't so much hurt as feeling really uncomfortable, but I couldn't stand it and ended up lying there on the floor... dying, I suppose.
Another nearby person who also happened to be armed handed me a knife and told me I might as well kill myself since I was dying anyhow. Somehow, he was being friendly by doing this. Anyhow, I took the knife and slit my throat. Again, it didn't hurt, but my neck and the rest of my body went numb and kind of warm.
That was the end of the dream, but the strange thing is, that same night a friend of mine dreamed that I was murdered with a crowbar. Weird, no?