Fiddelysquat wrote:
Yes, I believe in them, because I see them on a regular basis. Yes, I've been tested for all sorts of mental diseases, upon my own insistence, and finally had to face the fact that I couldn't lay the blame on schizophrenia.
My mother saw my issue for what it was, because apparently, a couple of relatives had it and some of the things I would do/say as a young child pointed strongly toward it, but I thought she was being a kook and wanted proof. I got the proof I needed via my cousin, and a vast array of incidents that I'm too lazy to explain here.
The most I can say about this problem is that it's a huge inconvenience, and frankly, they're annoying most of the time, even if they are frightening. I'm not particularly interested or motivated to prove anything to anyone, because it's a real waste of time. This is one of those things people have their minds made up on, and the majority of people who've already decided they're not real will never change their minds, no matter what.
In short, I'd rather have been born with allergies. -_-
I can't tell if you're being serious or not.