There are two dreams I had ages ago, and still remember now. They were nightmares when I had them, but when I tell them now they're really funny.
Dream number one. I think I was in... kindergarten? 1st grade? Definitely no older than 3rd.
But anyway, I was at this carnival. It was a square, and sort of like a video game with the street at the top and the square vertical. It started out all nice and happy, but it turned more and more dark and at one point there was this army of evil gorillas parading down the square, looking for me I think. In the bottom left corner of the square, there was a house. I went into the house. It was a witches house. She fed me poison, and I died.
I came back to life at the top of the square, again, rather like a video game. For some reason, I went back to the witch's house. She fed me poison again and I died. I came back to life at the top of the square again, and for some strange reason, went back to the witch's house. She tried to poison me again but I was able to get away from her and escape through one of the houses and get up to the street, and go to the non-existent town pool.
Dream number two. I've had this dream twice actually. Can't remember how old I was, but I think around eight one of the times.
I was at a chess tournament with my mom, brother, and brother's friend. It was a big two or three day tournament, so we were staying in a hotel. We were all in the lobby where the parings were going to be posted, and my mom and brother's friend decided to go to the hotel room. A little bit later, me and my brother decided to go there too. There were a bunch of potted plants in the lobby, and as we walked along, they got denser and eventually just started growing not in pots or anything. At one point we came across this troll, which my brother had to defeat with a video game controller(don't ask me how). We kept walking, and the foliage got denser and denser til eventually we were in a jungle, even though we'd never left the building. The last shot of the dream is a picture of some large cat crouched in a tree ready to pounce.
And then I woke up.