I remember, at first, when I joined primary school, and had no friends, I went around asking people if they liked apples and didn't like bananas, if true, they could be my friend.
And I remember once when I vacuumed up a chocolate animal buscuit with my toy hoover, and I used to really be into lego, playmobile and micro machines! I also used to like to go shopping with my mum with one of those mini-trolleys. Heh.
And there was a time that my nan and grandad brought my brother and I a toy sail boat each, I was jealous of the one my brother had, and through that if I cut the strings that made the sails from my one, people would blame my brother, and I would get his boat. Of course, it failed, and I got the cut up boat...
I remember I used to play 'puppies' with my two best friends (a scottish girl, and another boy), hehehe, that was life...
I always used to watch when the bin men came round to collect our bins too, it was fascinating! And I watched all the Sailor Moon episodes up to when they stopped broadcasting them here (they had just spotted Saturn and Uranus, I think), and every Dragonball Z... And I used to get up at 6 am to watch Sesame Street with my dad (I used to go into my parents room).

I have a lot of memories.

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