My camp's not like that. It's not wilderness. I'll describe it as concisely as I can...I've been known to babble about it for twenty pages on Word.
There's cabin-ish-thingies with bunk beds, a bathroom area, and some floor space. I think there's an average of ten campers and thirteen counselors per bunk, leaving one bed empty in case the bunk's not average. We do activities...there's
a lot of different stuff. Counselors are not the ones the campers get crushes on.

Three meals (per day)...breakfast, lunch, dinner...plus snacks every two periods. Meals are in a dining hall, and after everyone's done eating, there's a sequence of sentence fragments that everyone yells out, and then announcements. There's plays. Camp is fun. Yayness and all that. Mmkay, going to bed. Byebye.

No, I never officially left; yes, I am gone forever. I have also permanently left AIM. If you need to contact me, drop a line on LJ. Same username.