I've been thinking a lot about things that happened my freshman year of high school. So it was really weird when I wound up separately running into 6 people I was friends with back then in the space of about 10 minutes a few days ago. None of them were there together or anything. It was terribly odd, but quite fun.
Another weird coincidence was back in 4th grade when I found out that my best friend (at the time) was my 4th cousin. Our families had been friends for about 10 years, and none of us knew.
thelilbear wrote:
Moongewl wrote:
My favorite coincidence of the moment happened on the couches in the Oswald(yay Oswald!) Building of my school. I sat down near a pretty young lady who complimented me on my bag. We talked for awhile, exchanged AIM screen names, and because I have a break in my classes when she's waiting for her ride, we continued to talk when we met on the couches.
Several days later, I realized her AIM screen name is also the screen name of a very nice member on here. Dots connect very slowly for me sometimes. But there aren't that many people using the name "PuddingofEvil" in the world, and it turned out that these two are the same person. First time I've ever run across someone online and offline in completely unrelated circumstances, and very unlikely indeed.
Wow, now that's a really neat coincidence! How funny!
Yeah, seriously, what were the odds? Well, come to think of it, it had to happen eventually: the most awesome people in a room will always wind up talking to each other, and PPTers are generally the most awesome people in any given room.
'Twas still awesome.