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 Post subject: Kingdom hearts RP
PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:36 pm 
PPT Baby
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Location: The digital rp world of my brain (sitting here at the computer talkin to my peps! w00t)
((This is a pass-the-time rp until the real pptf comes back, if this goes good ill remake it when it comes back))

All of them knew it was coming, but none knew what.
They all knew it would happen but none knew when.
The feelings inside crept around their hearts, consuming all emotions.
Pain and hope battling it out, waiting for the darkness to come and stop the war.

Kiruki (Key-ruy-kie) read this as e touched the inscriptions on the wall. "what does this mean?" he asked, knowing only that the darkness was the enemy. The writing on the wall started glowing very bright. "Is this what i think it is?" he asked himself. His hand sunk into the light and as he pulled it out, he saw he was holding a keyblade. "This truley is the world of hearts..." he read inscripted in the side of the keyblade. "I knew this would come in handy!" he said, pulling out the keyblade chain his grandfather had gave him before going into battle. He clipped the chain onto the back on the kayblade. He watched in amazement as the keyblade changed rapidly, the heart on the chain glowing. "The heartworld blade!" he said, smiling.


Name: Kituki (Key-ruy-kie)
Personality: Outgoing
Looks: Has long blonde hair that he keeps in spikes surrounding his head in a sphere-like way. He wears a red vest with a yellow shirt and black pants, symbolizing the light and dark battle over the heart.

Keyblade: Heartworld blade
Description: A white blade wit hearts on it, the key had a heart indent in it.
Power: Upgrades all spells and maximum mp. Can see into someones heart but can do nothing about it.

((each person must have a keyblade and a description for it. You can not make it the ultimate weapon because that wouldnt make it fair to everybody else. you can be good or bad, but you dont have to say. I will get more into the plot as people join. You can say what world you came from too. If you do not specify you will be thought to come from the world of hearts. ok, have fun!))


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:52 am 
Beyond Godly
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[Can we be characters from the game? I'd love to be some sort of heartless Riku... can a heartless have power over other heartless?]


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:00 am 
PPT Baby
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(( yea you can be real charachters, but he has to have a keyblade. make just make the keyblade with the power to controle heartless, thats a good power for it!))


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 10:24 pm 
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Yay! I'm obsessed with Kingdom Hearts! (

Hmm, let's see now.....

Name: Iaran
Personality: Quiet with hyper mood swings
Looks: Long dark brown hair with two long golden streaks. Dark eyes with swirls of honey in them (the colour, not the food). She wears a long cloak/jacket like the Unknowns, except it's light brown with fur, over a blood red tank top and blue denim mini-skirt. She has brown boots (that match the cloak), and dark gloves.

Keyblade: Sunset Aura Blade
Description: Golden with tints of yellow, orange and red (think sunset here), pointy with many curves (that doesn't really make sense does it?), shaped rather like Oblivion or Oathkeeper.
Keychain: A little golden sun that glows
Power: Is the master of Fire magic, can command light, even in total darkness....

Other Info: Comes from Destiny Islands (asuming this is different from the real KH)


Iaran sat watching the sunset, admiring its beauty and enjoying the feeling of sand between her fingers. She was wearing a light blue dress with stars on it, and had a pink flower in her hair. ((Different from her actual outfit))

Suddenly, Iaran felt herself slip into darkness, she was standing on a platform in the middle of darkness. Ah, the child of light finally comes.... Do not be afraid, we simply ask for your help.
Iaran glanced around the darkness frightened. "H-help with what?" she stammered.

We need you to help us fight the darkness. But we must prepare you first...

A mirror mystically appeared infront of her, and a shining object flew through the dark sky towards her. She ran forwards and caught the object, it was a large key, made of wood. Looking in the mirror finally, Iaran realised that she was wearing a different outfit ((the one from above)) and that there was a necklace shaped like a sun dangling from her neck. Lifting her hand towards it, it unclipped by itself, and she held it out in her fingers before clipping it to the end of the key.

A bright light eminated from the key, and Iaran watched as it transformed into the Sunset Aura. Very good child, now you are ready to leave...

Iaran felt herself falling, and woke up on the beach, still holding the key and wearing her strange new outfit. Then she watched as a door appeared, out in the water; and she slowly got up and swam through it.....


((Was that okay? Or should I change it? Sorry, i don't write very well do i? Oh well...))

((Oh! Can Iaran have some sidekicks (like Goofy and Donald) or what's going to happen?))

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 6:02 am 
PPT Baby
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Location: The digital rp world of my brain (sitting here at the computer talkin to my peps! w00t)
((You can have a sidekick as long as its a disney charachter, but they cant have keyblades. were going to meet later so try and keep it to one or two sidekicks.))

Kiruki ran along the side of his world, where it ended. "Time to nnlock the door!" he said, reaching a corner of the world. He held the heartworld blade up to it and a light flashed. A door suddenly appeared and opened . He pulled a gummi block out of his pocket and jumped into the door, read for anything. He fell into a room that was completely empty except for a square shaped hole in the floor. Kiruki walked over to it and placed the gimmi block in it. "The refugee house my grandfather told me about! from when we were at war with he worl dof dark hearts!" H e did not know what to expect so he was amazed when all that happened was that the gummi block formed into a weird shaped stone. "Whats this?" he said to himself as he picked it up. He saw, carved into the stone, two chipmunks. The room went dark, the floor dissapearing from under him. He was a crate with a lock on it. "Keyblade, do your stuff!" he said, and tapped the lock. The crate unlocked and fell open. A small onion-like cariage was there. A light flooded out and it grew into the fairy godmother. "Why hello Kiruki, it seems you have found a summon gem! let me unlock that for you..." the gem started to glow and became like a vortex. He saw two darts of light jump out and to the ground, dimming into chip and dale. "I will see you later!" she said and dissapeared, the room suddenly reapearing.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 10:03 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Location: Uh... Nowhere Set: Blue
Gender: Male
Name: Lemantch
Personality: The son of Riku, he is much like his father. He is unwilling to ally himself with anyone unless the other person proves themself thouroughly, but he will not stand for the darkness to hurt the hearts of even his enemies. He is loyal, but he is often sidetracked by painful memories of his past.
Looks: His hair is long and golden blonde, and it forms long points at his back. His eyes are a dark blue, and a scar underneath his right eye causes a slight squint in his eye.

Keyblade: Chillblade
Description: It was, according to legend, formed out of Sora's heart and left unnoticed in Hollow Bastion for years, but eventually found by a wizard looking for traces of the attacks of Ansem and Sora for synthesization into a Summon Gem. When he attempted to summon Ansem, the darkness made his heart weaker, and he lost this blade.
Power: Shoots icy darts without using MP, but weak as a physical attack.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 1:09 pm 
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Iaran opened her eyes and dizzily sat up. The key was still clutched in her hand and she was sitting in an alleyway. Slowly getting up and dusting herself off, she walked around the corner and found herself in 'Traverse Town'.

"The key!"
Iaran turned around and saw a group of people running towards her; one was a girl wearing a red kimono carrying a long sword, with a red chinese dragon on her shoulder. Standing next to her was another girl, this one had tan skin, and was wearing a light brown tunic, a racoon and hummingbird were following her.

The others were three women (one with short brown hair and bi-coloured eyes, the other with blonde hair in a braided hair-do and green eyes, and the last had short silver hair and red eyes), and one man (with spikey blonde hair and blue eyes).

They stopped, and the three women grinned happily, while the other two girls and the man stared quizzically at her. The woman with brown hair stepped forward. "I'm very sorry if we startled you miss, but we were sent to find you, you are the keybearer aren't you?"

Iaran looked down at her key, and then looked back up and nodded. The woman smiled, "My name is Yuna, and this is Rikku, and Paine," the other two women stepped forward and nodded. "And this is Tidus," the man stepped forward also, and smiled.

Then the other two girls walked towards her, the chinese one smiled at her too, "My name is Mulan, and this is Mushu, my dragon friend." Iaran looked at Mulan quizzically, then turned to the other girl. "My name is Pocahontas, and this is Meeko, my racoon friend, and Flit, my hummingbird friend."

Iaran smiled at them all, "My name is Iaran, I'm from Destiny Islands, and I have no-idea where this is, or how i got here." Yuna nodded and beckoned her to follow, "We'll go back to the Hotel, I'll try to explain everything to you there."

((Is that okay? I replaced Leon, Yuffie, etc, with the Gullwings and Tidus. As for disney characters, there's the girl versions of Mulan and Pocahontas (is that okay?), i'll probably wait in Traverse Town until someone decides to join me, perhaps someone'll even be waiting in the hotel...))


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 6:02 am 
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(Oh my, do I ever need practice. I haven't RPed in a while, and I love Kingdom Hearts, so I think I'll join. However, I must warn you that I haven't played Kingdom Hearts in several months, and I don't remember everything about the game. I would appreciate it if you guys could help me along with things. :wink: )

Name: Melanee
Description: Her skin is a medium color, tan from all of her days spent outside in the sun. She has silky blonde hair that falls down to her lower back and sharp blue eyes. The top layer of her hair is divided into four small braids. She wears a pair of white cotton shorts and a light blue, short sleeved shirt.
Personality: Seemingly gentle due to her small build, she can't stand it when people assume that she is helpless and shy. She is highly opinionated, and often becomes snappish. She has been known to fake her identity to gain trust from certain people to get what she wants.
Keyblade: Thunder Blade
Description: A large black key with golden yellow streaks on it. Er... It looks like a key. (I'm not sure quite how else to describe it.)
Keychain: A glowing golden streak of lightning.
Power: Controls and summons electricity rather well, absorbing energy from the sun.

(I hope all of this is all right. By the way, I'm a tad foggy on exactly the purpose of the keychain. Could someone tell me what it is supposed to do?)


Melanee sat with one leg pulled under her, the other stretched out on the bench. She was hunched over her diary, pen gliding quickly back and forth over the page. Light was dimming slowly as the sun set behind the tall buildings of Traverse Town.

The strangest thing had happened to Melanee that day. It was only a few hours ago that she had been hurrying along to the store with her weekly list of groceries to restock when it happened. An odd gust of wind picked up, snatcing the list of groceries out of Melanee's hand and tossing it high into the air and over the roof of the hotel. But that wasn't the only thing it had snatched up. The wind grew stronger, so strong that Melanee had to grab hold of a lamp post so that she could maintain balance. However, the wind had been too strong. It tugged stubbornly at Melanee, finally loosening her grip. She shut her eyes tightly as her last two fingers slid off the post. An odd flying sensation filled her stomach as she was lifted upward...

But that was the last thing she remembered. The next thing she knew, she was back on the ground again in the middle of the oddly empty town square. Next to her, she had found a large (Not to mention heavy) key. How odd it had felt when she had lifted it up. It felt... Almost familiar. Like she had been holding it for a long time.

She hadn't known what to do with the key then. Gripping it tightly, she had taken it back home and locked it into her toybox with the rest of her old toys.

Later on that day, she went to the library to do some research on the odd key. There were lots of files there about things like these, people who had found keys that turned out to have mystical powers and things like that. But the strangest thing was that the keys were supposed to help fight darkness.

Back during the war between the light and the dark, Melanee's parents had worked as spies for the light side. They passed informaton along from the Heartless, helping to fight evil. Melanee, quite proud of her parents for doing such a good thing, was happy. Her parents were her heroes.

A year later, her parents had been killed. Someone had apparantly thought that they were traitors and were working for the Heartless. It had all been disguised as an innocent electrical explosion that had occured when Melanee was out of the house. No one had told her the truth, probably thinking she was too young to understand. But she found out anyway, and she understood perfectly well.

Now that she was older, Melanee had picked her side in the war. She wanted to avenge her parents and their unjust death. She hadn't done much yet, but she knew that her day would come along soon, and she would show her anger.

So now Melanee sat on the bench in the middle of the darkening Traverse Town, finishing up her diary entry on all that had happened that day. Snapping her diary shut and pocketing her pen, she settled back to watch as the last of the sun's rays faded away. She still didn't know what to think of the key. Perhaps whoever- or whatever- had given to her had been mistaken and given it to the wrong person. That was the only solution she could come up with. Nothing else made sense. After all, there was no WAY she was going to fight the darkness with that thing. She just couldn't.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 9:09 pm 
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As she was walking with the others, Iaran peered into a side street, and saw another girl with blonde hair and tan skin. "Hey, there's someone else with a key here too!" The others turned around and they all ran towards the other girl, holding a key bursting with lightning and thunder. Iaran stopped, and held up her key. "Who are you?" she turned around to face the others too, "maybe you should come with us aswell...."


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 3:55 pm 
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(I don't mean to burst your bubble, but my character doesn't have her key with her, as it says in my post. She took it home and has locked it away in her toybox. :wink: )


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:40 pm 
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((Oops, lol, maybe your character notices us, and asks to tag along?))


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:10 pm 

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Name: Kerrigan Blanchette (Kerri for short)
Personality: Sarcastically funny, clear as the water, deep as the sea
Looks: She has long grue (blue/gray) hair, her eyes are deep and clear as the ocean. She wears causaul clothes which consist of, a grey short undershirt. With a light grue overshirt and dark blue jeans.

Keyblade: Water Mist Blade
Description: (Think the Fire/Ice blade on Neopets) The only differance is, that it's a deep aqua blue that if you stare at it, it begans to simulate the sea... (doesn't really make any sense)
Keychain: A medium sized medallion like object, that has water drops around it and a sapphire in the middle of it.
Power: It can control, and even create water.
Origin: The Foresaken Islands


Kerrigan was laying on her back, nestled in a soft patch of sand inches away from the shore, writing random bits of nonsense every once in a while as the tide began to rise mysteriously, she stood up and grabbed her notebook, she walked over to her house and laid the notebook swiftly on the porch.

She then ran back to the shore, and sat down. suddenly the tide rose even more. She began to worry, and yet she felt peaceful somehow. Then a huge tidal wave appeared, it neared and neared, but Kerri did nothing about she stodd there in awe, as the tidal wave was but a mere 10 feet away she closed her eyes.

And yet she waited and waited and the wave never it, she opened her eyes, to find herself in the heart of the ocean.

"Where am I?" Kerri stood in bewilderment.

a strange arragement of bubbles appeared before her, it looked like a young girl, it extended her arms towards Kerri and in her hands a large key floated towards her, the small girl smiled, as Kerri got hold of the key, a small medallion appeared in the girls hand, she put in Kerri's hand and disappeared. Kerri began to put the two together, as she did a bright blue light was projected from the key. It then began to transform, it became the Water Mist...

She awoke, dry on the beach with her hands on her chest and the strange key thing held in her left hand.

[I hope thats okay!!!]

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 9:02 am 
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(I have an idea, Ria. We'll just kind of pretend your post didn't say anything about the key, and I'll take care of the rest. :) )

Melanee jumped, startled, at the young girl's anxious inquiries. Scooting back further onto the bench as if trying to keep her distance, Melanee looked from the girl to her key, then to the group of several people standing behind her.

This girl has a key. That was the first and only thing that registered in Melanee's head. She has a key and wants me to come with her. But why should I? I don't want to have anything to do with this. I don't want to fight alongside the same people that killed my parents...

Her first thought was to grab her diary and run for it. She could run home and lock herself in. After all, they couldn't just burst into someone's house without permission.

But then she had a much better idea. Perhaps... Perhaps it would work. She would have to go with them. Oh, but if it worked, it would all be worth it...

Melanee's lips pressed together suddenly, forming a broad, sly smile. "I think I will go with you." She said decidedly, picking up her diary and sliding off of the bench. "I have a key just like that, you know." She said, gesturing towards the girl's key. "I've stowed it away at home, however, as I thought it might be of importance and I didn't want to lose it. Shall I go and fetch it?"


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:53 pm 
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Location: Thornhill, Ontario
Gender: Male
Name: Alex LeFleur
Personality: Dark--Keeps to himself mostly
Looks: Smooth silky black hair, white streaks flowing from the tops, engolfing the sweet darkness which wandered around his head. His eyes a pale white, the sorrow drowning in them. No pupil, no iris. Simply, white.

A black leather trench coat is worn over the dark suit which Alex usually wore. His shoes are a black colour, with one small white spiral on either side of the shoe.

Keyblade: Lost Hearts Blade
Description: A Blade which is solely made out of shadows, it was evanescent. The evanescence blade with a small white heart in the center of it, glowing.
Power: Steals the hearts power out of one leaving them heartless.
Origin: To be announced.
Disney Character: Krunk (The Emperor's New Groove)


Alex quietly viewed the two feminine characters from the small, condensed roof of a little shop. His feet resting near the edge of the roof, feeling the roughness it had to offer.

Alex arose from his seating position making himself visible to anyone who dared look. Grinning slyly, awaiting a response from anyone--or anything for that matter--that rested their eyes on him.

"Uh Alex. Do we have to always choose a roof to stalk people? I mean please, can't you book a hotel?" asked a large, built man as he stumbled towards Alex.

"Quiet Krunk. I choose where we go, do you understand?" asked Alex tilting his head to reveal one pale white eye gleaming at Krunk.

"Yeah...Anyways while journeying here I bought a small horn from this merchant! Want to hear?" asked Krunk as he held the horn to his mouth and began to blow.

Alex turned around instantly and held out his hand at the horn. The noise was irritable but it soon died down as the horn was crumbling into a smaller form until it vanished.

"Next time you pull a stunt like this I will hurt you," said Alex as he turned back and viewed the scenary.

"Okay. I'll just go and take out some spinach puffs. Want some?" he asked as he bent down to reveal his package of wrapped spinach puffs.

Alex shook his head in pity.

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 4:28 am 
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((Lol, lovely sidekick Ammer, hilarious))

Iaran looked at Melanee, she was strangely suspicious, but Iaran was very unfamiliar with people of Traverse Town and assumed it to be normal. Yuna called back to her, "Are you ready now? We should keep going to the hotel."

Iaran nodded and they set off, on the way, a group of heartless appeared. The Gullwings stood back, "You, Mulan and Pochahontas can fight these Heartless off, we'll see what you can do..."

Iaran nodded and held her new key up. Leaping forward, Mulan and her slashed at the Heartless; Mushu, the dragon, helped Iaran to blast Fire at them. Pochahontas stood further back and cast Aero and Cure spells, Meeko and Flit ran around her protecting her from Heartless. Once the Heartless had been defeated, the Gullwings ran forward, congratulating the new friends on their victory.

((Sorry for excluding Melanee, you can add her in with whatever you want her to do))


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