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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:03 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Something has happened!

Somebody totally spazzed out at paranoiapenguin about separating their siblings, she got rather upset and ran down into the living room!

paranoiapenguin is in the living room.
paranoiapenguin's role:
School Spirit Team Club Leader

Alignment: Innocent
Element: Jolliness
Winning Condition: Defeat all evil teams

You are always on the look-out for insufferably happy, energetic people to join your Spirit Team. You will pester, annoy, and even out-insufferably happy the insufferably happy person to get them to join your team. Thus, insufferably happy people have a tendency to avoid you. (Although they would never admit to it).

You have the following abilities, if the ability targets a player, and unless specified, you must submit a list with five people on it, the first person alive at the time your action takes place will be targeted by the power:

Presence: Every night, you may simply stay near someone for the night, which will ward away all insufferably annoying individuals. This is your nightly “protection”. This ability is counted as an action done by you.

Full Room Presence: Once during the game, you may protect everyone in the room you are in from insufferably annoying individuals. Please label clearly in your PM that you wish to use this. This ability is counted as an action done by you.

Self-Presence: You do not need to use this ability, this ability is always in effect. Whenever an insufferably annoying individual tries to approach you, there is a 50% chance that your presence will ward them away. This ability is not counted as an action, and never will.


Jolliness Barrier: 40%

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:07 am 
Beyond Godly
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Execution, Day 11

Around execution time, WIS came upstairs again to get LAQ. Apparently, she is to be executed.

"LAQ?" WIS called out, as he did not see her in the crowd of... four people.

"BOO!" A spectre appeared behind WIS and startled him.

"Aaack!" WIS shouted as he turned around, "Oh, well very funny." He said to the spectre, who suddenly transformed into LAQ. "Come on, let's go. I'm sure you can scare everyone downstairs."

"Yay!" LAQ cheered as she followed WIS downstairs.

LAQ is in the living room.
LAQ's role:

Malevolent Poltergeist

Alignment: Evil
Team: One Man Team
Element: Cheerfulness
Winning Condition: Defeat all other teams

You have no idea what you’re doing here, you probably took a wrong turn back at Albuquerque. But as long as you’re here, you might as well have some fun.

You have the following abilities, most of them target other players, and unless specified, you must submit a list with five people on it, the first person alive at the time your action takes place will be targeted by the power. Please specify which ability you wish to use in your PM:

Spook: This is your nightly “night kill” in this game. You may use this ability every night. You will wake a person up during the night, and scare the living daylights out of them. (Which will, then, send a person running blindly downstairs into the living room). This ability is counted as an action done by you.

Startle: Twice (2x) during the game, during the day, you may startle someone. This is your “day kill” in this game. This ability will be done as soon as I receive the PM. You may not use both your “day kills” in the same day. This ability does not count as an action.

Invisibility: Twice (2x) during the game, you may turn invisible for one day and night cycle. PM me when you wish to use this, (you may not use any role abilities, individual abilities, while you are invisible). The protection will activate for one day and night cycle as soon as you PM me. When you’re invisible, you will not be affected by “execution”, or any nightly abilities. (If someone else has targeted you on their list, they will simply move down one name). This ability does not count as an action.

Ethereal Ether: Once during the game, you may increase your barrier by 40%. PM me when you wish to use this. This ability is counted as an action done by you.

Befuddling Shroud: Once during the game, you may redirect the execution (if there is a majority), onto someone else with at least 2 votes on them. PM me before execution when you wish to use this. You lose this ability when there are 10, or less players left. You may not use this ability when there is a lock, or a double execution. This ability does not count as an action.

Immunity: Your shield will not decrease, and you cannot die until Day 3 begins. This ability does not count as an action, and never will.


Cheerfulness Barrier: 60%
You cannot be converted to another team.

The presence of the Malevolent Poltergeist has completely disappeared!

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:16 am 
Beyond Godly
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Night 11

For convenience, everyone has gathered in the Red Room tonight.

During the night, YesItIsh woke up to find a stuffed animal cuddling him! That freaked him out and he ran blindly through a door, that landed him into the living room downstairs.

YesItIsh is in the living room.
YesItIsh's role:

Alignment: Innocent
Team: The Siblings
Element: Jolliness

Ed – Bangel
Edd – YesItIsh
Eddy – Lady Night

You are the middle of three siblings. Your two other siblings are named Ed and Eddy.

You have the following abilities, if the ability targets a player, and unless specified, you must submit a list with five people on it, the first person alive at the time your action takes place will be targeted by the power:

Sibling Bond: You and your brothers share a strong bond, and by that I mean the savings bond that’s written in your names. For each sibling that has gone downstairs to the living room, the remaining sibling(s) will receive an un-called for fit (daykill). This ability does not count as an action, and never will.

Un-called for Fit: For every sibling that has gone down to the living room, you may use this ability once. You may “avenge” your sibling by throwing an un-called for fit towards someone. That person will be so angry, that he or she will run blindly down to the living room (graveyard). The “daykill” will be preformed as soon as you PM me the list. This ability does not count as an action.


Jolliness Barrier: 10%
You cannot be converted to another team.

Day 12 Begins

3 alive, 2 for majority.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:04 am 
Beyond Godly
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Vote: Wind

For being... the only evil one left? :P

Click the wonderful signature. You know you want to.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:59 am 
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Vote: Wind



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:36 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Mmh. Not if I can help it.
Vote: whhattisthiss
Edit: I don't think I was supposed to read that part on the groupies where it says that Pixa is innocent, but I did XP
Roles anyone? Mine is Faith Healer. And stop counting my posts, I know I made just a few :P

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:08 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I don't really see the need to reveal the roles... because firstly, your role doesn't seem to really fit. No funny name. And secondly, I know enough to have a good judgement and firmly know you are evil. No other ways about it... it just couldn't happen otherwise.

Click the wonderful signature. You know you want to.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:46 pm 
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Location: swivel chair, queens.
That and I went through all the posts and all the random killings and between Pixa and Wind, more of them happened in the rooms that Wind was in. This is just my logic and reasoning though, no real proof but it is what I gathered and it is what I'm going on.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:46 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Location: Vancouver!
Something has happened!

Wind and whhattisthiss were in the room together, Pixa was off in another room to use the Port-a-potty. Suddenly, whhattisthiss couldn't find Wind anymore, however, instead, a Stuffed Unicorn slowly made it's way towards her.

"Peek a boo!" The unicorn spoke in an adorable voice."

"Ahh! A talking unicorn!" whhattisthiss screamed, and ran through the door that led down into the living room.

whhattisthiss is in the living room.
whhattisthiss's role:

Nonsense Holder Leon

Alignment: Innocent
Element: Cheerfulness
Winning Condition: Defeat all evil teams

You don’t have any abilities, but you do have some rather nonsensical nonsense stuck in your head. You remember these words clearly:

The Blue and Red rooms did not have disadvantages beginning with "J", the Blue Room was not a storage room.

I wonder what it means.


Cheerfulness Barrier: 10%

Epilogue / placements will be up in a second.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:02 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Pixa came back from the bathroom. He saw Wind there, but not whhattisthiss. "Where's whhattisthiss?" He inquired.

"Umm..." Wind studdered.

"What did you do?" Pixa inquired.

"Well..." Wind replied, before suddenly transforming into an Animated Stuffed Unicorn. "Peek a boo!" She called out in an adorably adorable voice.

"Aww!" Pixa goaded, "that's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!"

Just then, WIS came upstairs. "Oh," he noted as he saw Pixa squishing the stuffed Unicorn, "I guess the game is over. Congratulations everyone! You may now leave." WIS replied as he ushered the two remaining players down into the living room. "Everyone," WIS announced as he presented the winners to the dead, "These are your winners!"

"Horray!" LAQ cheered.

"Congrats!" .:Requiem:. congratulated.

"This party sucks." Christopher repeated.

"Well," WIS announced, "you can all leave now. Thanks for a fun time everyone!"

Game Over

First Place: Animated Stuffed Animals Team & Cheerleader
Wind, Brett618, Christopher, Matterbug, Twizzler0171 & Pixa

Second Place: The Innocents

Third Place: The Malevolent Poltergeist

Fourth Place: The Neutrals (That Guy & Quarter Bouncer)
angisfab & Discordant Note

Fifth Place: The Insufferably Annoying Individuals
Divine, DM was on fire!, Kidwaiy, pipsqueeek

Sixth Place: Phil
Kugetsu & theonlysaneone

Good Game everyone! Please continue all discussion in groupies.

Wind's Role:
Animated Stuffed Unicorn

Alignment: Evil (Let’s just call you that, for the sake of simplicity)
Team: Animated Stuffed Animals
Element: Jolliness
Winning Condition: Defeat all other teams

Teddy Bear – Twizzler0171
Stuffed Panda – Brett618
Stuffed Penguin – Exiled Phoenix
Stuffed Unicorn – Wind

You are an animated toy, much like the Tickle me Elmo, but much less spastic, red, expensive and appealing to the demographic ages between 0-8. However, that doesn’t mean you’re not able to hand out some cute, cuddly love.

Please pick a spokesperson between the four people in your group, the first person to PM me a list will be the spokesperson for the group. The spokesperson must submit lists for all team abilities, (but not individual ones or secret powers). Once a spokesperson is elected, you may not change the spokesperson unless the current spokesperson has died. Then, the next person to send a list will automatically be deemed the spokesperson.

You have the following team abilities, most of them target other players, and unless specified, you must submit a list with five people on it, the first person alive at the time your action takes place will be targeted by the power. Please specify which ability you wish to use in your PM:

Cuddle: This is your nightly “night kill” in this game. You may use this ability every night. You will sneak up to a person while they’re sleeping, and give them a big, furry hug. (Which will, for some reason, send a person running blindly downstairs into the living room). This ability is counted as an action done by the spokesperson.

Peek-a-Boo: Once during the game, during the day, you may play this adorable game with someone. This is your “day kill” in this game. This ability will be done as soon as I receive the PM. This ability does not count as an action.

De-Animate: Once during the game, you may de-animate for one day and night cycle. PM me when you wish to use this, (you may not use any role abilities, individual abilities, ), the protection will activate for one day and night cycle as soon as you PM me. When you are De-Animated, you will not be affected by “execution”, or any nightly abilities. (If someone else has targeted a member of your team on their list, they will simply move down one name). This ability does not count as an action.

Cuteness: Once during the game, you may gather your whole team up and maximize your cuteness potential to convert someone to your team. This ability will take place at the end of the night, and will take the place of your nightly Cuddle ability. This ability is counted as an action done by the whole team.


The following are individual abilities, meaning they can only be used by you, and you only.

Extra Enchantedness: Once during the game, you may summon (resurrect) a player from the Livingroom (the Graveyard). PM me when you wish to use this, and which team member you wish to use it on. The resurrected team member will not have any protection or barrier. Also, if you happen to “die” while the resurrected team member is still alive, the resurrected team member will instantly return to the Graveyard. This ability is counted as an action done by you.

Jolliness Barrier: 50%
You cannot be converted to another team.

Pixa's Role:

Alignment: Neutral
Element: Merriness
Winning Condition: Survive (You will win when only you and one other team is remaining)

Give me an L! Give me an O! Give me a L! What does that spell? Err….

You have the following abilities, if the ability targets a player, and unless specified, you must submit a list with five people on it, the first person alive at the time your action takes place will be targeted by the power:

Double up: Every night, you may cheer someone on, so that the next day they will be full of energy. So full of energy, in fact, that their powers will be doubled for the next day and night cycle. (For example, if that person has a nightly ability, he or she will be able to target two people instead of just one. Also, if that person has a limited use ability, he or she will be able to target two people with that limited use ability, but it will still take up one use). This ability is counted as an action done by you.


Merriness Barrier: 30%

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