Twinkle wrote:
For a start, are you the entire world? No. People do care. You can't ignore all the media attention global warming has had recently and it's in the UK nation's concience at least. Unless you've been hiding under a rock recently anyhow.
People do care but I guess some people are just too lazy to do their bit sometimes. To me, it's not hard to walk 10 minutes down the road to go to the shop instead of jumping in the car all the time. But I guess I'm not that lazy.
See, media attention equals not actual caring.
Without opening that can of worms again, I can guarantee you go out and you look at how many people actually care.
Go on, take a look.
Now, my no news policy aside, I honestly doubt people care, and no, going round the shop isn't caring, it's saving money.
Walking into town because your too lazy to wait five minutes for a bus isn't caring either, it's just my unique brand of laziness.
Edit: Oh yes, global warming: Scare mongering.
Any money who has looked at global temperature reports can tell you that.