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 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:53 pm 
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Christopher wrote:
fzun wrote:
Ooooh I was so mad when Chris got daykilled and our team was defeated!
At first I was going to kill him the first night I had the power, but I didn't want to attack him and then have it not go through because of shields. That would really blow my cover x_x. Although on second thought, it's not like there's anything he could have done about it at that point.

But seriously though. I wanted to be the one to finish off our team. Ultimate irony :lol:

Were any of you suspicious beforehand?

This post was a suggestion to that point. Didn't suspect you specifically or that our team specifically had a problem at that point though. Keep in mind that the Fenrir role had a useless 30% shield to begin with, which was taken care of by the bomb. Anyone could have killed me. All in all in hindsight it really didn't matter because there was nothing I could do at that point as a powerless, shieldless baddie.

My one attempt at having some amusement was thwarted by one vote: the random bandwagon on thetrueoogabooga. Since I knew his claims to be true having had the Snape role previously, it would have amused me highly to watch him and the majority voter go splat.

:P I know, I remember you sharing that information with us and so when the bandwagon did start on Ooga I didn't vote for him and tried to convince others of his innocence.


 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:36 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Since Ruby's role was retained (and she used it to protect a dreamer), I was pretty sure ooga was innocent -- I was watching the thread that night prepared to withdraw my vote for Ella to prevent the double execution on ooga. Ruby was doing the same, so it was really 3 votes away. :)

ETA: I just re-read what you wrote, and I think you were talking about the earlier bandwagon on ooga, so ignore everything I just said. I would have deleted this post, but I lost sight of the delete button.

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:44 pm 
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Well guys, it's been fun! Thanks for being there with me for my first co-host job on WW :D Kudos to Pickles who hands down did most of the work on this - she did awesome!

Since I dealt more with day scenes and locations, the moments that jumped out at me the most aside from the ones Pickles mentioned were these:
- The irony of just about every Weasley dying in the Prefect's Bathroom. Seriously.
- DM's love for Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. After she was brought back to life she told us to just leave her there the entire time. Since it's the room that knocks your shield down 10%, Pickles and I very grudgingly had to acquiesced.
- Losing out on Twinkle (as Lucius's) bribery scene. Pickles and I had that one all planned out. We'd come in dressed in ritzy robes and wearing expensive jewelry and the veil would be conspicuously missing. If there was ever a conversion to depress us, that was it. :(
- Helena healing 3lla after her failed execution. Now that's some trust.
- Losing out on all the fun day scenes when we lost McGonagall. It was here where I really treasured the bribery scene since I thought it would be the only fun one I was going to get. Boy was I wrong!
- just smiled on Bruces Galore. No matter where she was in the list.... it ALWAYS picked her. Item give aways, shield boosts from being in the dormitories. It just loved her.

Set by Zilary.

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:52 pm 
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well it was fun seeing people go nutty and racking their brains and all that stuff i was loling my head off at most of it especially seeing all the weaslys die in the prefects bathroom and the last death eater puking to death.

set by Byakuya San.....Thanks your awesome

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:09 pm 
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well my first ww started out fun but I dont think i'll ever be playin again. Thanks for havin me.

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 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:17 pm 
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Why not?

Glad I pulled a win out on the last day. Thought I wasn't gonna make it. Good game guys!

~Zilary - No, thats not me. :D

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:23 pm 

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Easily the most fun WW I have EVER played.
Being bad is always so much fun. Pickles you already know I love you to death :hug:
And averly, ah, you are the greatest after Pickles and Dm of course :P

Definite highlight in the game for me was when I killed of Bellatrix. Bwhahahahah!
Seriously everyone on the thread was like "IT'S A VIGILANTE! o_O"
I had even more fun posing as Peeves for half the game too :oops: I put so much time and effort into researching who I could pose around as, and when I found Peeves I just shouted out "PERFECT". The whole thing about killing off Bellatrix and being the flip-flopper just clicked so smoothly into place.
Gah, I'm just so annoyed at how many times I had people like warxelo, Ammer and Byakuya San on my lists and they still never got attacked!
*shakes fist in the air*

Still, definitely was a hilarious game.

set by Sakura

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:27 pm 
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you're the one who killed me then i shall kill you

mwa ha ha ha haa :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

set by Byakuya San.....Thanks your awesome

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:06 pm 
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Yah I gotta say this was one of my fav WW games :D. It was fun trying to figure out how to execute my role. Although some of the shields were pretty insane. I didn't like how it took so many tries to kill people - I know all the death eaters got really angry after a while because you would attack someone and they never died! - and then the innocents got so many resurrections, oy. I mean I'm glad but gosh it was a lot.

Oh, and Hansy, why did you switch me like every single night? XD


 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:13 pm 
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Thank you, Pickles and averly! This game was ridiculously fun. You guys did an amazing job.

*high fives fellow Inquisitorial Squad members* Second place! We are amazing. Especially Alex, cause we probably wouldn't have lasted nearly as long if it hadn't been for her. But also for my other teammates for having the idea to make Alex as Rachel's heir. ;)


 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:21 pm 
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Yeah Alex, well played, you really had me fooled there... XD

I don't exist. omo

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:50 pm 
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fzun wrote:
I didn't like how it took so many tries to kill people - I know all the death eaters got really angry after a while because you would attack someone and they never died! - and then the innocents got so many resurrections, oy. I mean I'm glad but gosh it was a lot.

Definitely my feelings as well. The entire game the IS only managed to kill 7 people, and 2 got rezzed.

"Oh, better far to live and die/Under the brave black flag I fly/Than play a sanctimonious part/With a pirate head and a pirate heart."

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:02 pm 

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The rezzes truly did just did my head in.
really I have never seen so many rezzes in just ONE game

set by Sakura

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:02 pm 
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As I said before,

Hansy wrote:

A huge prayer to Pickles and Averly, for hosting such an awesome game; another one to, for giving me my favourite role; and another one to me, for screwing the baddie's plans so many times :D

Yeah. Well done innocent team :) lol Alex, classic convertee xD

fzun wrote:
Oh, and Hansy, why did you switch me like every single night? XD

Well, I had two lists... on the first list, I put the people that I thought I should be protecting - important, revealed innocents, dreamers. Tanner, Blake, Rubywinged, Alex. The second list had random people to be used as cannon fodder; at some point I had put you there, and then the following night I'd just copy/paste my previous lists xD That lasted until I talked to Tanner and he gave me a list of unconfirmed innocents. On early game I was only talking to Alex and Tom; so I only got to know Ella was claiming to be Peeves when she posted it on the thread.

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:35 pm 

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Hansy wrote:
On early game I was only talking to Alex and Tom; so I only got to know Ella was claiming to be Peeves when she posted it on the thread.

yeh, that was a BIG mistake. >.<
Remind me in future WW games to never reveal your role on the thread.

gah, I thought my plan was fool proof, thinking that there was most likely no role of peeves in the game and seriously hoping that I could get away with it.
What also annoyed me when I got executed was that I had Alex and Hansy on so many of my lists aswell and they still didn't get AK'ed either. *grumble*

I still hold my word on this WW game though.
I had so much fun being the bad guy, plus the fact that I was an OMT just made gave me alot more to laugh about when I checked on the thread :P
I guess after killing Bellatrix, the funniest and weirdest thing to happen to me was to get healed. When averly sent me the PM informing me that I was healed, I just laughed so hard and then crossed Helena I think off of my lists. ;)

set by Sakura

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