Yay that was fun

Yay for The Simpsons. And I told you I was good, but no one beleived me!
ScottNak wrote:
You are: Robert
Persona: Homer Jay Simpson
Side: Good
Ahh, Homer Simpson. What a lucky person you are. D’oh this. D’oh that. Duff this. Duff that. By the way, you get free entry into Moe’s bar every other day. Just PM me when you wish to go in for free. Aaaanyway, what a wonderful family you have too… I guess.
1) As the founder of Springshield you know the perfect way to protect the people of Springfield from attackers (especially bears, but they were never a threat). So, every night send me a list of 3 names. Whoever is on top and alive will be protected from attacks. However, since your staff (namely Carl and Lenny) have better things to do most of the time… there’s a 67% chance that this wont work… unless they PM me that they’re ready for duty.
2) As is your nature, you’re quite a bumbler. And with a high level clearance as Safety Inspector at the nuclear Power Plant… you can find your way in my pile of lists. And you can (in addition to Ability 1) jumble the order of 3 lists at random. You do NOT have to use this. I will assume that you are NOT using this unless you PM me otherwise.
3) You will gradually be able to learn the identities of the rest of the Simpson family. However, that requires you to answer trivia questions. Both you and the next family member will receive the same question. BOTH of you must answer this question CORRECTLY in order to learn each other’s identity. If you don’t get it right, another question will stack on top of the old one, and continuing on. If you DO get it right, I will give you the identity of that person as well as the question for the next character. This is the schedule to try and meet your family:
Day 2- Marge
Day 3- Bart
Day 4- Lisa
Day 5- Maggie
4) As the star of the sho… I mean life itself… you can’t die THAT easily… give yourself a nice 80% starting shield instead of that measly 20%
I liked it

. I never knew who to protect, and I protected Kug alot...he seemed like an obvious innocent. I also protected Mark alot when he was alive, but by the end it was myself mainly I was protecting

. I only got to use the trivia thing once, on Marge, since the rest of my family died on me