Glad you all like the new additions

Siniri wrote:
Oh, I thought this one was a headpat, but I guess it's not.

I could easily rename it to "headslap" instead of "doh" if we would like to do so. I
wasted spent a long while looking for both a "Head Desk" and a "Head Slap". I quickly went with the head against the wall vs. headdesk, but continued to search for a headslap, but

it was already in the new group I added.

Siniri wrote:
very cool! It cracks me up that we still have


... I haven't heard anyone say "talk to the hand" in at least a decade, probably longer.
Need to maintain the old smilies, or the old posts will not look right... Besides, they're classics, right?
If anyone comes across a little "head desk" (or any other desired) smiley that "fits in" with our existing smiley format/theme, please let me know. It was surprisingly easy to add individual smilies