Skullsplitter wrote:
I'm sorry but I just came across this thread and I felt that I needed to point out my special powers - I can literally affect the gravity around me. If i concentrate really hard, everyone around me starts feeling really light, as if they dont weigh anything at all. When i do this, people can drop anything on to the floor and it just gently bounces back up.
But I dont show it to many people because, well, it's so special and makes me unique.
That sounds completely awesome!
Lets see... oh yes!
I swear there is
something follwing me around wherever I go...
like im walking up the street to my home, and I hear a bush rustle. I look at it for abit and it rustles again, and I look and there is nothing there to make it rustle and it still rustles when im right up to it... and sometimes when im in my room or soemplace I swear somethings watching me, so I turn on the lights, and a shadow doesn't go away, cunfuzzled I grab a flashlight and shine it at the shadow.
The shadow absorbs ALL the light.
and sometimes im half way through falling down mid trip, and I get my balance back...
I know about all of you (xP) are gonna say im lying or something but this is all exactly what happens to me nearly every day (though I havn't tripped in a while so that might've been a one time thing) but the shadow that wont go away and the rustling bushes and stuff, they happen everyday or nearly everyday....
I was randomly looking around on the internet and I found this:
kinda odd...