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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:28 pm 
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This put her ate odds with Harle, for dominance

Ate odds? o_o;;

Honestly, I've always prefered my African Grey over Parakeets, and since he's a male, he can't have babies. But I can pretty much guess what it would feel like to lose a bird. :cry:

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:40 pm 
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I had something like that EXACTLY happen about a year ago.

I have been raising Ring Neck Doves for a few years now. My bf and I had a mating pair and one baby (the other died). For some odd reason the original female went crazy and thrashed herself around. She had this lump on her head and she just died. We believe it was because she kept flying up against the cage. Anyway, we got a new female for the male and they were happy.

One morning I was going into the cage (it was a walkin size, pretty big, my bf and I built it) I pulled out the female and as I was sitting down I accidently let loose my grip on her. She flew out of my hands and right into the tree in our backyard. We kept an eye on her but gave up because there was no way to get into the tree and get her. So we kept a watch on the male. He kept making noises and flying around the cage. Next thing I knew my bf called me and told me to look at the male. He had laid himself down and he looked bad. So we left him alone and when my bf went outside to check on him, he was dead. It was only about 2 hours after the female got out of my hands.

Its heartbreak. Maybe Moss wanted to be around the other birds and when he got seperated it was too much for him. And maybe why Mara died was because Moss died. My bird did the same thing. I have experienced a couple other deaths just like that.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:49 pm 
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*hugs really tightly*

My first hamster died really young. I held her in my arms, trying to keep her warm, I was stroking her, I placed a hot water bottle under my arms and tried to keep her alive.

But she gave out two coughs, and died. I loved her. And I'm sure you loved your birds. You did everything you could, and cared for them wonderfully, I'm sure. Their memory will live on in your heart.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:05 pm 
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Inrun, I am positively sure it was nothing at all you did. You've owned budgies for so long now, and you are the most informed parakeet owner I have ever met- and I've talked to quite a few. Sometimes animals just die... no one can explain it. But as for Mara- budgies are very social birds. From what I've read and seen, they pick one or two birds to bond with, and that bond cannot be broken. I don't care what science says, you can die for a broken heart. But basically everything dies at the end of life, and that happens when it's their time to go. You gave those birds a fantastic life, I'm sure of it, and I'm sure they're very happy now, wherever they are. If you don't believe in God or any other form of religion, just be happy that they're at rest now, like going unconscious and never waking up. But there are a thousand things wonderful about death, and you must not just dwell on the pain you feel.

Sandra, just please don't blame yourself for anything. You are an awesome bird owner. It isn't your fault. It was just their time to go.

EDIT: Part? Heart. O.o

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Last edited by Bangel on Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:22 pm 
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*hugs* I'm so sorry...

I know what it feels like to have a pet die... My cat was put to sleep at the age of 18, when I was 12... I do know how you feel... In my opinion, and most people think I'm an idiot for this, but I think that Mara didn't want Moss to be so scared, and knew you would be ok, or that at least you would make it... But most people think I'm stupid for feeling this way...

Again, I'm so sorry...

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:57 pm 

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Dawn2 wrote:
I don't care what science says, you can die for a broken part. .

I agree with Dawn. I'm sorry for your loss. :( That's all I have to say.


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:24 pm 

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I'm so sorry. If you think about it, though, there's an odd sort of beauty in the way they left. I guess Mara probably wouldn't have wanted to stick around without Moss. So though I'm sure you're sad about losing her as well, it's likely what she wanted.

It's so sad to lose a pet like this. Again, I'm very sorry for you.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:39 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Wow.. I'm so sorry. That's horrible. I don't want you to feel bad, though. It's not your fault, so please don't blame yourself.

I know what it's like to loose more than one animal so quick. Just remember they're together again. :] *hugs*


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:41 am 
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Well... Some would take it as an explanation for ghosts, ye know? My gerbil died, probably of old age - he had a very stressed-out heart due to my cat putting vole heads and such next to his cage, I guess.

A week or two later, I got a fine, healthy hampster baby named Hamfast.

Then, before his three-week 'warranty' was up, he died in exactly the same place in the cage, in exactly the same position. Poor little Hamfast wasn't even grown up yet!

But I think it's quite possible your poor budgie died of a broken heart. Probable, I would say. Cats and dogs are known to do that too.


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:25 am 
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I'm not saying this is the reason the birds died. But there could be something in the environment that they were sensitive to. It could be something in the air, like a gas leak or carbon monoxide. Does your house have dectectors? Have you experience headaches or feelings of sleepiness? It could be a warning to you to get things checked out. Often animals reacto to things long before humans do. It might take a while for you to get sick, but the animals would get sick first.
More than likely is it that one bird missed the other so much it died, but that is so weird how you were holding it and then it died in your hand. I don't know what could make a bird drop dead like that. Do you live near any factories or anything. Some machinery in factories emit very high frequency sounds or low frequency sounds that drive animals crazy, or their could even be something in the water. All of these are really not any of you fault but it wouldn't hurt to check how much floride or chlorine is in the water in your area and maybe get a water filter to give the birds filtered water. It couldn't hurt.

Also, I was reading in Helpful Hints From Heloise that some bird owners are not aware of the type if seed they are feeding birds. Sometimes seed looks like seed, but it is hollow shells. It looks very much like it is ok, but if you were to really pick at it, you would see may little hollow shells. So birds eat this, but get no nutrition from it. Or try to pick out the good seed. So what looks like a full bowl of food, might be just a few good seeds and a lot of hulls. Some birds are so adept at craking seed that even sunflower seed, which is easier to see, looks good, but they've cracked it skillfully. So you think it looks whole when it isn't. I've never owned birds, but I suppose that could be a mistake some people make. I guess it is better to change food often. I guess a bird can overeat too, so I don't know what to do, besides just inspecting the food very well.

Last of all, their is a bird disease going around. West Nile and another bird disease that comes from China. The one that comes from China is a bird flu that people can get. I don't know if it has reached the US yet, but I have heard that we are Stockpiling vacines because it is expected to be very very bad. I don't know where you said you lived. But anyway, mosquitos can get into houses, and get to your birds. It could happen. If you have any more mysterious bird deaths or you yourself feel ill, it couldn't hurt to get it checked on.


Last edited by smudgeoffudge on Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:39 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:30 am 
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First of all I'm very sorry for your loss. I know all to well what it is like to lose a beloved pet.
Second many species of bird mate for life and several die shortly after their mates of a "broken heart". My sister had gotten a new dog (female) a year before me since hers was killed by a drunk driver (as well as injuring me rather well but that is another story). Shortly there after I had to put down my dog I had from the time I was 2. He had recently turn 14. about six months later I got a new pup (male) as well. The quickly became extremely close friends. My sisters dog developed a lung infection the vet was not sure what was 7 months ago. Shortly thereafter she died. My dog developed a thyroid condition a month after her death because he wouldn't eat. I got called about an hour ago and told he passed on this morning for the most part because he pined himself away. I greatly understand how you feel.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:21 am 
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I've been out all afternoon with my friends... being distracted.

Full Metal Alchemist wrote:
Ate odds? o_o;;

Yes because making fun of my errors after I lose two birds I love is such an appropriate and considerate thing to do.

I'd reply to everyones posts, but I don't have that much time, so i'll thankyou for all of them. I've had eight hours to calm down, and just... rest after this. It was quite a shock when it happened, and how. I'll agree that Mara probably died of a broken heart. But that doesn't make it any easier on me, though i'm sure it's easier then her living alone.

As to the possibility of a gas leak, I still have two other budgies. They're not dead. It wouldn't have been the location, since the budgies are often hung there depending on whats going on.
I also live in a purely resedential area. No factories, no loud car booms. Nothing. No sounds that would have done it. She was distressed before I picked her up. She watched when I took him out, and she did try to bite me then. So.
I doubt bird flu as well, since it has yet to make it this far in where I live if i'm not mistaken. And as well, I doubt West Nile. It's (as of yet) to be reported in any pet birds in Alberta (unless i'm misinformed). As well the food has never bothered them before. Same food for years, plus fruit and vegetables, that are always washed in hot water, throughly before being given to the birds.

Theres nothing that myself, or my parents can think of, that would have changed, or caused their deaths. It happens, I suppose. We've still got the other two birds, and they're enjoying fighting over apple rings. This summer, when it's warm out, we'll look at picking up another couple birds. It's very quiet in the house with only the two birds.

Again, thankyou for all the well wishes. It's been a long day.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:41 pm 
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I'm so sorry to hear about your birds. Be thankful that they died together though and will be together again. And I don't think it's anything you did. Birds do die of broken hearts. I think in the end they just give up on themselves because they don't see a chance of continuing on with their life now that their best friend has died.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:52 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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*huggles Sandra*

Awww, that's so sad :( I've never had any of my pets die, apart from my fish when I was about 8 or so. I can't even begin to imagine how distressing that must be for you...

Gone, forever.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:04 pm 
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I read this story last night and I was literally torn apart.

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