Coke didn't invent Santa! They DID, however, exploit the leaving-out-food prospect to a cetain extent so Santa could have cookies and Coke.
But there've been tons of variations of Santa, including Baba Yaga? Okay, whatever, I suppose it WOULD be cool to have someone who eats naughty children instead of giving them coal. Coal's useful anyway, so there.
There've been many Santas around, and Coke, seeing as the Santas it uses in commercials only appear for around thirty seconds tops, there's no way they could have made the whole story up AND involved the coke-and-cookies deal.
Has nobody read Night Before Christmas? (I almost wrote nightmare XD) That was so not based off of some Coca-Cola-invented thing. Especially considering how old it is.
I'm sure I can find an Eowyn quote suitable for this.
No, not that one. Too suicidal.
Nope. Not fitting...
Close but no skull-bashing, W-K...
Er, I'll just use a less-fitting Sam one, to people who want to destroy everything that's politically incorrect-- we have good intentions. It sometimes turns out wrong.
"The enemy. I wonder what his name was, where he comes from. What lies or threats led him from his long trek from home? Would he not rather have stayed there, and was he truly evil at heart?"
Ah heck, that fit even less than the suicidal!Eowyn quote, so I'll put that here too.
Oh forget it... they don't work. Just suffice to say that minorities are not always right for the sole reason they are minorities, and majorities are not always wrong for the sole reason they are majorities. For example-- a white calling a black "smurf" can be suspended for a week at the least. A black calling a black the same has no consequense.
On the other hand, it can work the other way around. A jehovah's witness can give out pamphlets and try to convert people all they want, whereas a muslim would possibly be yelled at or even attacked.
So yeah... if the PCers (not Personal Computers, I bet they all use macs

) are truly striving for equality, why do they ban Santa yet allow Hot Topic? (Not that I have anything against Hot Topic, I like the Foamy shirts and LOTR pins and stuff. I'm just kinda playing Devil's Advocate.) I've seen WAY more people who don't like Hot Topic. *Sighs*
(No, I don't think they should ban Hot Topic, I mean to say they're not playing by their own rules.)