I adore tennis. Watching the Nasdaq-100 Open as I write this. Go Gaudio! ^_- No, I'm not a Gaudio fan, I just have a tendency to cheer against certain players, and he happens to be playing one of them.
As for playing, I love to do it, but I am pretty bad. In high high school I played 1.5 years of exhibition doubles, 1.5 years of junior varsity doubles, and my senior year my coach finally realized I was a singles player so I got to play #1 JV singles. Having been stuck playing doubles for years, there wasn't any chance of me ever making varsity in singles, but he gave me my letter anyway. My coach adored me, since I played my hardest all the time, and never got upset when I lost (which was most of the time ^_-) Although I got in trouble quite a bit for diving on hard courts. It's not a tennis match if you're not bleeding by the end of it, or at least that was my philosophy.
I didn't play for five years during university and grad school, but this past summer I moved to an apartment complex with a court, and started playing again with my husband. He's never played before, so mainly it's just teaching him the basics and hoping that someday we'll be able to play a match against each other. Regardless, I love just going out and hitting the ball around and attempting to get my serve going. I can get it in pretty consistently, but it has no pace.
I'm anxiously awaiting April so the management will finally put the net back up. The weather was so perfect for tennis today and yesterday, but they said they won't put 'em up until April 1 at the earliest.

C'est la vie, I suppose.