I was gonna edit, but someone had posted.

Nothing wrong with that... hehe.
Good luck, by the way. >.<
Zorg's next entry:
What is up with the world lately? Everything bites. I don't even want to talk about it.
There's no point for anybody else to go to prom anymore, cuz I got the only date worth having. Uh huh that's right ... it's Jade PPT and me. she's gonna freak when she sees me in my tux.
Maybe it's the new shoes, but I ROCKED the game yesterday.
I broke up with Anubis PPT.I think Jelly PPT must be really ticked at me for something.When did Jade PPT turn into such a jerk?I have to remember to see if Messs17 PPT wants to hang out sometime.I broke up with Jelly PPT.Why did I ever think Jelly PPT was cool? It must've been temporary insanity.
Nuh huh. O_O
Prom Results!
zorg PPT still doesn't have a date!
Anubis PPT still doesn't have a date!
Jelly PPT is going with zorg PPT
Cheese PPT is going with Jade PPT
Meiou PPT is going with Ammy Asakura
Jade PPT is going with Cheese PPT
Ammy Asakura is going with Meiou PPT
Messs17 PPT still doesn't have a date!
5 out of 8 students have dates!
The King and Queen of the prom are Cheese PPT and Jade PPT!
Heheh. I tried.
Big Test Results:
Anubis PPT: B
zorg PPT: B
Meiou PPT: D+
Ammy Asakura: B
Jelly PPT: F
Jade PPT: D
Messs17 PPT: D+
Cheese PPT: F
School Average: C-
XD No one got the average, and most got below. How's that for skill?
(Mind you, I'm surprised me, zorg and Ammy got the highest scores. We were being grumpy. O.o)