The town made all students of all ages watch a powerpoint presentation about internet safety, and they were on a slide about how your screen name could tell stuff about you. They were going on about you shouldn't put birthdays in your SN, etc, and had a few examples. There was a screen name like "tigger0811," and we were supposed to guess the birthday. Being in an anti-american-measurment-systems mood at the time, I said November 8th instead of August 11th. Oh well.
vkceankraz wrote:
In pre-school, I crapped in my pants because I couldn't speak English and I was too scared to ask where the bathroom was.

In kindergarten, the stupid "No, of course not, there can't POSSIBLY be people who can't communicate in English-(s)he's just being stubborn and somehow wants to go to the girls' room" gym teacher practically shoved me into the boys' bathroom. I knew how to ask where the bathroom was, but since my name is Lu (without the I, thank you), and it's my first name, people like that gym teacher automatically assume that I'm a boy, since I had a very bad, very short haircut at the time. Luckily, I had strong leg muscles, dug my heels into the floor, and then proceeded to kick him. Yes, I got sent to the principal's office. Yes, the gym teacher looked like a fool when they pulled out a file that had my proper gender on it. No, I don't think I was being stupid. That's not a stupid moment.