No offense, but I really do not think highly of people who get tattoos. Why should you pay to experience pain and a permanent skin decoration? It's not as if plain, untattoed skin is ugly... Imagine if 30 years down the road, you decide you don't want a picture of a dragon on your back anymore, what would you do? Furthermore, tattoos are associated with ruffians and gangsters, at least in my culture and society, anyway.
For some people it has to do with their culture. Many different groups of indigenous people from places like new zealand, africa, the middle east and south america tattoo themselves because it's been what they've been doing for many hundreds of years.
Considering that I do design tattoos (though I don't have one... yet), and that my brother is a tattoo lover, I do take a bit of offence. Not all tattoos are associated with ruffians and gangsters; thats a huge misconception where I come from. Many perfectly nice people have tattoos where I live, and many people do it for different reasons.
The other misconception is that theres only one way to get rid of them (and no I don't mean via Cheese grater). Theres a new procedure out (though still in testing), that leaves no scarring (unlike laser). Basically you inject whats like a soap beneath the skin, and it washes away all traces of the tattoo. They're still testing it, but if it works... it could revolutionize the amount of tattoos people get. So if down the road, you want to get rid of that dragon on your back; you can without having blistering scars all over your body.

Evisceration is a sign of respect.