Here's a couple weird ones I've had:
When I was very young, I dreamed about a bunny. You know those blowup pink Easter bunny things? I don't know if they still make them, but we had them when we were kids. Anyway, I was in my grandmother's backyard, and this blowup bunny was chasing after me trying to poke me in the butt with a needle. And I ran and ran around the backyard crying and yelling and trying to get away.
That's probably where my fear of needles comes from.
And this is a dream that I had last night...And don't be freaked out, because I only dreamed it, because I've just gotten back into PPT, and I spent a lot of time here yesterday.
I was having a picnic in the park with a friend of mine, and Eo and DM were there. And my friend kept looking at me weirdly, and I said, "what, you didn't know Eo and DM knew each other in real life?" And then we started talking about some game we were playing online called "Optisexual" (it's not as bad as it sounds). It was some game where you had to draw the male symbol and female symbol, but you had to take turns...kinda like "dots" in that you can't make a whole square at the same time. Anyway, Eo was complaining because I kept messing her up. And that was the end of my dream, because my alarm rang.
But I was sure to Google "optisexual" when I woke up. There's no such thing.

I also had a really strange dream about drugs (no, I'm not a user) and a raccoon (sp?), but I won't go into it, as it's probably not appropriate on this forum.
Is anyone familiar with lucid dreams, and if so, are you able to do it?
Stupid server is back up! Siggie time!
This set is by robot.