cky182 wrote:
Medusa wrote:
Animal Farm by George Orwell - once analysed it seems to show the darker side and greed of human nature in relation to the Russin Revolution.
(edited for length reasons)
Yeah, I read that in Year 9, its really good, although our teacher tended to go abit OTT with Mr Orwell and Mr Shakespeare (if they were alive she'd marry them both! :/)
All my English teachers seemed to go OTT with one thing or another, year 10 it was forms of torture, year 11 is was war and year 12 it was the criminals. Maybe its just an English teacher thing? Only really normal one I had was in year 8 and he used to come to class with black-eyes after playing rugby.
Nonetheless, I was pretty much driven insane by
Animal Farm after we'd analysed it over and over and over again, "Hey, remove the status quo and by the end of the story its back again" *dances* My brother is actually studying it now. I did however manage to get two exam answers out of the one book, I suppose its because I actually spent time memorizing the symbolism and learning about who the characters represented.
Worst bit in that book IMHO is when the older horse (I can't remember his name now) is