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 Post subject: School Social Ladder....
PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:44 am 
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I know just about every school has one. I'm not doing this to be mean,I'd just like to know what rung you would be on. I'm not sure the order mine goes in,but I'll make a general guess. I'm not going to laugh if you're at the bottom. I'll send my monkey after anyone who does laugh at someone.

Here's the basic ladder I've put together

|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|
|(Group here)|

If you need more or less I don't know

here's mine:
|(ummmmm?)|<<here MAYBE. Lots of people know me but I dont' have alot of friends

Awesome set by Tomatie

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:51 am 
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My school doesn't really have a social ladder. It's more like...cliques. Each clique can't be put into a social ladder of sorts, because 1: The variety of people found in most cliques, and 2: The ideas of where they are differ, often greatly. Cliques tend to have their own popularity levels inside them though.

With that being said:

~Band Clique~
(Most popular)
(Sorta Popular)

Band for obvious reasons, and near highest level because I get along with just about everybody in the band, plus I have tons of great friends there as well. I could even be the highest level for all I know. :P

Yes, I'm still alive...still alive...

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:03 am 
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No one cares at my school. We're all complete nerds and know that (kidding......kinda), so no one pays any attention.


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:34 am 
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Let's see. My regular school doesn't seem to have a social structure. I think it's too small for that. I guess there are people who hang out together since they're friends, but no one seems to really care who sits with them.

I also take one class at another school, which is much bigger. Since I don't go there full time, I can't say for sure what kind of social rankings they have. If I did go there full time, I would almost surely be near the bottom. ^^;; That's where I've usually been before.

Interesting how these things work.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:37 am 
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Well, our resident school has like 5000 people, so there's way too many for any definitive social structure to emerge.

Within my magnet program, there's also not a real popularity scale, in my grade at least. Sure, there are a few people who are really social, and a few people who everyone hates, but mostly everyone just has their own groups. The groups are pretty flexible too. I hang out with a lot of people, some who are really 'popular', and others who are less so. *shrugs*

We had a lot more of a popularity scale in middle school. Back then, I wasn't part of the popular group... but you know what? None of them talk to each other anymore, while our group is still mostly together. :)


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:06 am 
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There's no real hierarchy at our school. Just a bunch of different groups. There's groups of minorities, there's the theatre group, the speech and debate group, the band group, the ROTC group, etc. Some people are in more than one group, though. For example, lots of people in the speech and debate group are in the theatre group. It's confusing.

I signed in to my account at 11:03 pm on Mon Jan 05, 2009. My last visit beforehand was Thu Dec 01, 2005 at 10:26 pm.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:17 am 
Beyond Godly
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Well, I dunno exactly what order the groups would go in, so you just use your best judgement.

Basically, the groups I've seen are, the sport guys, the smart people (nerds), the girly-girls (a.k.a. the skanks and preps), the male skanks, the goths, the weirdos, and the unpopular people.

I'm somewhere inbetween the last two. :|

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:39 am 
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I'm not sure how exactly the social ladder went when I was in school. All I know is that I was an oddball. I did what I did and I liked the things I liked. I didn't mind though, I liked it. I got through that whole caring about what others think and wanting to be popular phase in middle school. I knew having friends to impress would take work and I was so not up for putting effort into everyday life, I can't see how people could do it. Really, being a loser is great. You have a much better perspective of how ridiculous a social ladder is when you're not standing on it. As we progressed through school though, everyone ("popular" or "unpopular" alike) slowly realized that none of that mattered. I'm not saying we all merrily got along, there were still stuck up people and those who hated the "preps" as they would say, but it was so much more relaxed and the extremists were cut down to only a few. I guess that's growing up for you. It was always funny to look back on the freshmen and sophomores in their little cliques and laugh. High school was an odd beast indeed.

I don't think I could make a ladder picture, but if I had to group myself? Hmm, I hung out with the "geeky loser" kids. I was in the computer club and the art club. Computer club in particular was great because it would be the people you would call the "losers" but while other kids were in clubs that helped the community or stupid stuff like that, we played computer games. A lot of the poeple I hung around were the ones who were all "I hate the popular kids, they think they're so much better blah blah blah" I was always all " you shouldn't group people together, judge each one on their own basis blah blah blah" Generally though I let them complain and rolled my eyes before I would point out to them that it was stupid to hate them for thinking they were better when I knew that what they were really thinking was "they're not better that us, WE'RE better than them"

Hmmm, and now I'm rambling. What was this about again?

Oh yeah picture time,

|-| <-ladder here

O<-Me sitting in the corner, away from the ladder, being odd and not talking much.


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:48 am 
Beyond Godly
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I think there were probably two ladders at my old high-school. One ladder was basically the smart people and the other was for the people who didn't care about their work.

|Sociable Smart People|
|Smart People|
|Anti Social Smart People|


|"The Populars"|
|"The Popular" followers|
|The People That Never Turn Up|
|The People That Aren't Even Known|

I don't actually know where my group sat because we had links with just about every other group in the school through friends, classes, etc. Some of my group if we weren't a group would have been on one ladder while others would have been on the other. I think we were a ladder unto ourselves or maybe we were just some sort link to bring both the ladders togather *shruggs*

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:56 am 
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In my current program at school there are two ladders.

The Down to Earth Artists
The Freaky Deeky "Art for Arts Sake" people.

I'm down to earth (believe it or not). I have no problem with the other group, they're just... a bit... weird. And thats saying a lot coming from me. They're the stereotypical artistic group (well for nowadays, I will hold with my beliefs that artists are some of the most intelligent people in the world... or at least they used to be), but... yeah.

High school? I was on the low rung, I was picked on by everyone...
and then when I snapped and took a few people out *\cough don't beat people up /endcough* people just ignored me. *shrugs*

Evisceration is a sign of respect.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:56 am 
Beyond Godly
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(popular- wannabies)
(popular- wannawannabies)
(given up on being popular)
(the friendly people)
(ME) <---- I deserve my own...

There are hardly any cliques here... Just a bunch of dimwits trying to be the best.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 5:05 pm 
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I haven't entirely figured out the whole social structure of my school yet, and I probably won't. It's one of those things that you need to have seen from the beginning to truly understand. I can, however, give you the one of my old school...

There were the "popular" people. This group was the typical cheerleader and jocks type of group. Then there were the "Used to be popular" group. They were mostly people who'd been in the popular group in elementary school. They hadn't gotten completely pushed out, but they weren't really "in" anymore. There were "the smart kids", which wasn't truly a group...they were all mostly loners. The "Pokemon etc." group, which had interest in pokemon etc far too long. The "goth" group, which was rather was the kind of group that got air quotes around the "goth". Then...there was "us". There were a lot of "us", we were just in between. No one really hated "us", but no one from the other groups were great friends, either. We were the kind of people who were just there...anyone would talk to "us," if no one from their group was around, and we could be semi-accepted in most of the other groups if we wanted to be. (Except for the "pokemon etc" group, but no one wanted to hang around them anyway.)

Disclamer: If you happen to still have interest in Pokemon, please do not be offended. Not all people who have interest in Pokemon would be placed in the "Pokemon etc" group. The same goes for cheerleaders, jocks, goths, smart kids, etc.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:06 pm 
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Actually, ours is all really equal. Here is what I think of it anyway,

[Everyone Else]

I am above all.

I think the 'band nerds' are a little lower in status than everyone else. Same with the druggies.

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:34 pm 
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When I went to schoo, it went something like this.
Pretty girls/"Pretty" guys
Musical People
Smart Fairly Pretty people
Anime people
'the hated'
I have no clue where I fit in, really. If someone talks about something and I wanted to join in, I would join in. If someone was doing something fun, I would do it too. Didn't really matter who belonged where, but that was the definate ladder

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:02 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I dunno. Colelge is SO different. i guess you ahve houses and majors seperating people. Except for the people in Lander's Hall. They are bottom rung! :D

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