I am curious about this process, but I have this weird feeling that they don't hurt the cats.
I know that they're gene splicing spider silk genes... into goats, and they can now produce silk 1/100th of the strength of spiders silk from goats milk. It's odd. But they don't harm the animal when doing it (at least... this is what the Discovery channel would have me to believe).
Humans have been altering animals for a very long time. Look at all the different breeds of dogs that we're breeding, so many of which have horrific health issues. German Shepherds and Golden Retreivers have hip dysplasia. Dogs with short noses like Bulldogs and pugs have breathing problems. Dogs with wrinkles get skin infections.
These aren't natural genetic makeups of dogs. This is a coupld thousand of years of dog breeding.
We've made them smaller, like teacup poodles. We've made them giants like Great Danes.
In horses too. We have fallabella ponies and mini horses. And then we have massive creatures like clydesdales. All breeding.
This genetic modification IMO is just a faster way to get what we want, and in a different form. It's things like this, that I believe will help people fight certain diseases in the future. So i'm not exactly against the whole process, as long as nothings in pain, tied to a table and screaming... or suffering (and despite what people say, you can tell if an animal is suffering or in pain. It's not that hard to figure out.) I don't have a problem with it.
We've been doing it for years.
Do you really think that most breeds of dogs now adays could survive without people? Some could, sure, the hunting breeds, and even then, how well do you think they could cope to where we've put them?
So finally after all of what i've said. Meh.
I'm not for it, i'm not against it, and i'm waiting to see what will happen in the future.
(And i've known about this cat thing for awhile. It's been in the news up here in Canada for a few years now.)
People have NO right to do that in my opinion!!!!!!!!
I like how everything is going to be done in 2007.. *cough* (You won't get it unless you have a bit of Christian knowledge.)
And what pray tell would this "bit of Christian Knowledge" be. I have some christian knowledge, but i'm curious as to whats going to happen in the future.
*suddenly reminded of Y2K*

Evisceration is a sign of respect.