I'm sure the hospital staff took good care of him.
My own experiences with hospitals have been many, and they've always taken good care of me.
My brother has the Grand Mals.
*offers hugs*
They're a scary thing to deal with, and it's not something i'll ever get used to seeing. The kids at my camp (ranging from 5 to 25) often have seizures, and it's... frightning.
What was amazing though, is that one family brought their sheltie dog out to camp, and this dog could predict when their little boy would have seizures. It just sat and stared at him, and... within five minutes he'd start having seizures.
Anyway... i'm off track.
Did you know that the Greeks and Romans used to think that epilepsy was the holy disease because they couldn't explain it? And that apparently Julius Ceasar was well known for having seizures? *nods*
*hugs again to Kuri and Zero*

Evisceration is a sign of respect.