hmm..... 6/10.
There's a reason for my score, so don't be offended just yet.
I like the layout and the background. The colors are nice, and none of the graphics are the cookie-cutter style so prevalent in Guilds nowadays. But I had to take off some points because the font is so difficult to read. It needs to be about 2 sizes larger, I think, and it's a little fuzzy. And I think the little box at the bottom should be slightly bigger, cause it's really difficult to read if you don't want to just highlight the whole message. Oh, and you might want to add that they should copy and paste that onto GUILD boards, since a message like that is considered spam anywhere else.
I really DO like your guild layout, I think it only needs minor improvements.
*Edit* Looks much better, I give it an 8/10 now.
For some reason the giveaway text is overlapping something else, but other than that it's nice.