I don't know about my school, but in my grade there are...
|'Queen/King' of populars (sheesh... laaaaaame) who snicker about all the dorks.
|Popular and snicker about the dorks, but not next to them. Usually when a dork is in need, they act kind. They aren't too bad, to tell you the truth. The ones from my class are still my friends

|The popular wannabe's who I think are really laaaaaaame too, because they giggle at everything the populars say and follow them like puppies|
|The ones with alot of friends and all, but aren't invited usually to those private popular sleepovers and mall shopping|
|The ones with friends but don't really hang out with the populars|
|The ones that stick with only one to three close friends|
|The wanna be funny but just AREN'T! Not really popular|
|The ones no one like but they always are sure other kids are their best friends (yeah... there is one in my class, and guess who she sticks to x__x)
|The dorks, geeks, school lovers etc - you know them already|
Wow... that's one long ladder... in our grade, it's not like, the jocks, the populars, the dorks, like in every school. It's... different. Anyway, I'm on the
|The ones with alot of friends and all, but aren't invited usually to those private popular sleepovers and mall shopping| level


Credits to Silja for the set!