This movie is the epitomy of stop-motion. But it's not cool just because of special effects (cough starwars). It's got a great story line, creative characters, the some of the best songs since... hrm... Oliver! ? Plus all the songs are placed perfectly. Hunchback of Notre Dame, for example, had lots of songs too, but at points the spaces between were far too large or far too small. (The space between Heaven's Light and Hellfire/Beyata Maria was approximately five seconds. No joke.) The review will go in song-to-song-order.
Is it just for kids? Sort of, yeah. Some of the plot makes adults or, possibly, middle-schoolers sneer. (The whole Santa Claus existing in the real world thing, specifically.) But once you get over the fact that this movie is not accurate to the real world, the fun begins.
The introduction is followed immediately by the first song, which as Hunchback discovered, is an excellent way to start a movie. And the song itself? Excellent. The animation is a little better in the Special DVD version, but the original has its charms too. The tune is great, and it intoduces lots of characters (even some who're never given names).
Immediately after, Jack Skellington trudges wearily home for what's probably one of the most famous scenes in the movie, and the second song. The tune varies well, and I love his expressions.
In the song, however, I found a wierd problem.. he says he's dead. More on that later....
The next song, I belive, is "What's This", where Jack discovers Christmas Town. The song is quite annoying after a few times if you only listen to it on your computer. But in the movie, it fits perfectly again and the visuals make it ten times better! And obviously it introduces the main plot without tedious dialogue.
The next sone... Town Meeting, I think it's called, has a very cool tune. It helps you figure out what almost all of the villagers act like... Oooh! Pretty! Can I kill it?
Plus the expressions at the end are priceless.
The next one is one of my favorites. Jack's doing all these experiments, and he doesn't even know what he's trying to figure out. Reminds me of science class last year. And Zero gives the solution! Ghost dogs deserve an extra point any day.
Kidnap the Sandy Claws is... special. It's really fun, but it takes ages to learn. And what's with Lock, Shock, and Barrel and their use of the phrase "ninety years" in the song? Creepy.
I'm not sure if the next one is Making Christmas, but I'll say it is. The tune is perfect! My friend commented that it was a little risky that they were putting down the road as the mayor was driving on it, but... whatever. It's a cartoon thing. I love the fanged duck with the fang marks in it!
The next is The Oogie Boogie Man. That scared me so much when I was little... now I just laugh at Santa. Seriously... as the Oogie Boogie man said, "You're joking! You're joking! You put me in a spin! You aren't comprehending the position that you're in!"
Next is Sally's Song. I have it on my computer, and unlike What's This, it's pretty tireless. I'll try not to explore the whole "Lookie me! Unrequited love! CoughLordAragornCough!" thing... it's too scary... But nice tune.
After that would be What Have I Done, my favorite song in the movie. It's wonderful to get it stuck in your head, and it's better to watch it. Words escape me. It's all... nobody knows he's singing this.. It just makes me want to write a fanfic where one lone child spots him and stuff... sniffle. Plus when he gets all happy again during the song, it's great... and impossible to sing, but great! One of my favorite parts: "Find a deep dark cave to hide in, in a million years they'll find me, only dussst! And a plaque! That reads "Here lies poor old Jack!""
And the two-part finale, Jack's Ok (This Is Halloween reprise) and Sally's song, reprise. Jack's OK is pretty short and could use some better lyrics, yeah. And Sally's song reprise is great. At least, if ye don't mind love scenes. I used to love the thing, but now I'm like "Oh my *bleeping* god. Jack's a *bleeping* Blue-cloaker! AAAAUUGH!" And then... it's over. Leaving you with a strange thirst to watch it again.
If you've never watched this, I ask you to rent it or borrow it now or my dog will chew your arm off, my cat Lucky will lick your skin off, and Mango will kill you with cuteness.
Not like they don't do that anyway.