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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:32 am 
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That was hilarious. I laughed so hard while reading. Picturing someone doing what you did is hilarious.

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 2:34 am 
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I got attacked by one once, too!

Iwas out in my grandparent's back yard and I heard this weird grunting and I looked up and then this gray squirrel jumped down and landed on my back. I screamed like HECK and it jumped off me and darted back up the tree. Man squirrels can be SCARY! o_o


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 2:43 am 
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Squirrels are the best animals ever.

I'm sure it had a justifiable reason.

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Lurv Teh Leetlemen. Dawn2 made the cell. :)

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:13 am 
Beyond Godly
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That is the new badge of honour for all squirrel attacks.
We meet in the woods at midnight with our beebee guns and Squirrel-Away Spray. Darn you rodents! We are humans and we have opposable thumbs, so NYAH!


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:16 am 
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:roflol: Err... I survived a leaf bug attack! Do I get one? I swear, it bit me on my thumb...

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:24 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: Outside on your boulevarde scaring small children. Um... or in Illinois.
SAVE THE SQUIRRELS!!! *pickets against the random beating of demonic squirrels* You were trying to hurt them and they had to defend their poor selves. :cry: Maybe you smelt of acorn?

Thanks to Laq. :o

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:25 am 
Beyond Godly
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Kugetsu wrote:
Maybe you smelt of acorn?

I smelled like Ramen noodles. :D

Hey, instead of a beebee gun, can I have a machine gun with a machete tied on it?

Zero set 13 of 26

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:27 am 
Beyond Godly
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Twizzler0171 wrote:
:roflol: Err... I survived a leaf bug attack! Do I get one? I swear, it bit me on my thumb...


Muwhahaha! Animal attack badges for everyone.

EDIT: Just realized you can't really read it...I'll make a new one tomorrow...right now this badge maker needs sleep.


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 4:33 am 
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I bet the squirrel was doing its defensive manuvers cause it thought of you as a threat. Ferrets do the dancing from side to side when they want to play and when they want to fight or protect themselves.

Luckily it never did bite you cause than you would more than likely have to get rabies shots xP But just the thought of a squirrel doing that to someone makes me giggle.

set by Nikita

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 10:36 am 
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Joelz Butterfly wrote:
I bet the squirrel was doing its defensive manuvers cause it thought of you as a threat. Ferrets do the dancing from side to side when they want to play and when they want to fight or protect themselves.

Luckily it never did bite you cause than you would more than likely have to get rabies shots xP But just the thought of a squirrel doing that to someone makes me giggle.

Gosh I'm scared now.... I'm never going to work again! :cry: Wait, I need money. How in the name of Bob's Uncle am I gonna get to work?!

I could run quickly but they would chase after me. I could walk slowly but then they'd have a premeditated ambush waiting for me... In the meantime, I'm going to wear that badge loud and proud!

Maybe there's such thing as squirrel repellant...

It's coming...

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 6:40 pm 
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Maureen wrote:

We don't get many squirrels 'round where I live, but we do get peacocks not too far away. At school, you can sometimes hear them, and of you're driving around they kind of run in front of the car. Suicidal, they are.

:o My social studies teacher drove into a peacock once! (He insists that he didn't kill it, but he did. Poor peacock.)

I wrote a "persona scenario exercise" about evil squirrels ^^ This proves that squirrels are evil-if they weren't, why would I write a story about them being evil? [yes, that has no logical basis at all.]

Evil, Evil Thquirrelies!!!

It wath a perfectly wonderful thunny day, so I dethided to take a nice walk outside, in the nippy air. Using my fuzzy wuzzy pawth, I put on my favoritest pair of overalls, and placed my favoritest pair of ear-muffinth on my fuzzy wuzzy ears. I invited my friend Andrie to come with me, but she was busy.

We walked patht a houth, and they had this thuper fuzzy doggie. But the doggie looked so evil!! It barked at me, and it shook its tail at thomthing. I looked up, and saw this thinister thquirrely with an acorn, right where the dog’s tail was pointing. Now, don’t mithunthand me. Thquirrels are USUALLY perfectly innothent and adorable, but let me tell you-this one was evil!!! It had those beady little eyes that jutht bore into you, and it wath chewing its acorn noithily, like it was saying, “Come and get it, Squinchy!”

And then, I figured it out. The neighborhood dogs and thquirrels were conthpiring to attack me! When I realithed that, I ran so fast that my fur couldn’t keep up.

I stopped at the interthection of two roads, to catch my breath. I thought I lost the evil, conthpiring thquirrels and doggies. I thaw a stone lying by the thide of the road, and felt so bad for the poor thing. It was all alone, with nobody to play with. Thtones have feelingth too!! Andrie told me, and Andrie is alwayth right. I named him Mithter Thtony and kicked him along.

When we came to the next interthection, a dog barked right when two identical, fuzzy thquirrels crothed the road; one from each thide. The dog was giving the thignal to attack!! And the thquirrelies were running to their thupply of acorns to chuck at me!!

I was abtholutely petrified. I knew the thquirrels would attack at any minute, so I thcooped up Mithter Thtony up in my fuzzy paws and took three thteps back.

But the thquirrels didn’t attack. Thuddenly, I knew what they were doing. The dog was going to catch me off guard, and then thignal to the thquirrels to attack. I knew I had to run, so I thummoned my thuper Squinchy strength and ran home, tugging Andrie and Mithter Thtony with me.


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 7:57 pm 
Beyond Godly
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O.o...That's odd. My dog was attacked by a squirrel once. He's still afraid of them :lol:

Offtopic: You work at an IKEA? AWESOME!


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 8:08 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Amethyst wrote:
O.o...That's odd. My dog was attacked by a squirrel once. He's still afraid of them :lol:

Offtopic: You work at an IKEA? AWESOME!

Yup, it's brilliant. Customer Services department... I have some stories to tell, believe me!

It's coming...

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:50 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Twinkle wrote:
Amethyst wrote:
O.o...That's odd. My dog was attacked by a squirrel once. He's still afraid of them :lol:

Offtopic: You work at an IKEA? AWESOME!

Yup, it's brilliant. Customer Services department... I have some stories to tell, believe me!

lol...It's just that my family doesn't get out much, so once or twice a year, my dad'll say "Okay, kids, get in the car, we're going to IKEA!" And then we get all excited and go for a two hour drive to Pittsburgh for furniture shopping.

Yesh, a strange lot we are :P


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:56 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Amethyst wrote:
Twinkle wrote:
Amethyst wrote:
O.o...That's odd. My dog was attacked by a squirrel once. He's still afraid of them :lol:

Offtopic: You work at an IKEA? AWESOME!

Yup, it's brilliant. Customer Services department... I have some stories to tell, believe me!

lol...It's just that my family doesn't get out much, so once or twice a year, my dad'll say "Okay, kids, get in the car, we're going to IKEA!" And then we get all excited and go for a two hour drive to Pittsburgh for furniture shopping.

Yesh, a strange lot we are :P

I wish I shared your sentiments... I get yelled at by customers, screamed at, shouted at, things thrown in my face, stubborn people, difficult people, violent people, cocky people, nasty people and to top it all off, the squirrels hate me. :cry:

It's coming...

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