I thought I might as well try this out a bit!
Hello there!
My name is Denae. I am currently 20 years old. I was born May 20th and will be turning 21 this coming May!

Flat out I am a natural Taurus, stubborn and bull-headed ^__^ I stand about 5'7" in height, have green to emerald colored eyes, and weigh in at 135lbs.
I am currently working right now and trying to save up to move out on my own again and by myself my very own car. Right now I live with my parents because I used to live with my boyfriend until he wanted to save money for college. He lives with his parents and I live with mine. I got my very first job this July. I currently work at the local 99 cent only store. I plan to start college sometime this coming new year.
I have two awkward siblings, Josh who is 16 and Amber who will be 19 on January 3rd. Josh is also signed up to PPT and goes by the screen name "Phantom". Some of you already know who he is and have seen him around. I am of course the oldest out of us 3 children. My little sister and I are complete opposites. I believe my little brother is basically the male version of me because of how much we are alike. Whether it be the things we like to do like play video games, spend hours on the computer, or play DDR, we get along really well unlike my sister and I.
I live with my mom and stepdad, Ethan. My mom and real dad got a divorce when I was 13 years old. I moved out here to Fresno to live with my mom and Ethan right before I turned 15. It was the toughest decision a teenager could make. Once I moved out here I developed a HUGE social anxiety problem and became extremely depressed. I was staying home from school alot and I wasn't turning in my homework. Due to my laziness I ended up being a 5th year graduate from high school. Buy HEY!, at least I graduated and got the diploma!
If I hadn't moved out here I would have never met my better half, Joel. That is how I got my username, Joelz Butterfly. Joel and I met when I was a sophmore in high school. We dated for a month after I turned 16 and for some odd reason I broke up with him. I eventually got back together with him in September of 2000. We have been together ever since. We have gone through hardships. He joined the military in the beginning of 2001 and left for boot camp 4 days after my 17th birthday. He was gone for 1 and a half months. He was home for 2 months before he was to leave for 7 months for Tech School in Texas and Arizona. I was still in high school at the time and I had switched to a new school. I had no friends so all I did was keep myself locked up in my room.
That gives you a brief history of myself lol. I didn't get my driver's license until March of this year, just before I turned 20. Things I absolutely love are:
-Starbucks (especially eggnog lattes & vanilla creme fraps)
-strawberries or anything strawberry flavoured
-harry potter series
-horror movies
-bonne bell and lip smackers (I have a HUGE collection)
-collecting the neopets plushies
-toe socks