xerai wrote:
Pokemon Kid wrote:
I'd want to move to ????? for those of you who don't know where that is, it's Tokyou, Japan (Yes, Tokyou!) I'd be able to watch Pokemon weekly on Thursday nights at 7:00 PM instead of downloading the new episode on Friday. And I already know how to write in Japanese, and speak it. I'd fit in. And I'd wish my life could be there, everyone I love, where I go, would be there, so I wouldn't miss anyone! (Especially because I have a girlfriend here. That'd be sad if I had to leave her. Because all of my other friends left me for some stupid kiddish reason. And also, Julie is Japanese so, she could teach me how to write in Kanji. (I already know Katakana and Hiragana!))
Also, I'd get all the Pokemon games before anyone else in the world. Because in Tokyou, there lies GAME FREAK! The bringer of Pokemon gams, the creators, the ARTISTS! My god, and they also give out tours to dear friends. And I have an internet aquaintance to a GAME FREAK employee. So, I'd get a tour. *Heavily sighs*
I'm sorry. But for someone who wants to live in Japan, I would've thought you would know how to spell it. It's
I'd also love to live in....
Why you little rude.....
In Japan it is spelt as 東京、日本. That equally translates to "Tokyou" It's also NOT supposed to be pronounced "To-key-oh". It's actually "Toh-kyoo". Therefore the spelling in Romanized Japanese should be Tokyou. It's not sounding like "Too-key-oo" it's "Toh-kyoo". Plain and simple. The English language is screwed up. The "A" can make a "Eeee" or "Ahhhh" or even "Eh" sound. "O" is supposed to be sounded as "Oh" or "Oooo". But if you put <spelling>accents</spelling> above the letters, it'll make a new sound. Which makes sense right? English is just this blab of balab. But, to have a business life, you have to speak it. (Curse you genetics!)
The perfect language with lots of information and no stupid things with vowels is: German! Yay! They have all these accents on them. It is also a business language! So, I'll be speaking the perfect language next year when I learn it from my German friend. *Ka-ching!*
So, it is Tokyou. If it was "Tokyo" it would've been pronounces as "To-key-oh" and can easilly be stupidly changed to "Too-key-oo".
Okay Mr. Rudeman? If you ever question me, just PM me. I'm not trying to lecture EVERYONE. Just him. Grrrr..
Neopets: Morphone
Maple Story: Animelee, Scania