Oh man, what a topic. If only you knew... if only you knew... Strangest group of kids you'd ever meet. Of course, almost anything said by them is not appropriate for these forums, but they give almost everyone "nicknames" and they are hilarious. They also make for great conversation. There's a PE teacher named Mr. Newton, and we call him "King Newton" because he controls almost every class in the PE class (even ones he doesn't teach) and he yells "Suit'em up!" when he wants us to change out of our PE uniforms. He's such a serious and angry guy... so we decided to send him anonymous notes last year, something like this:
King Newton,
The village is starving and you promised to send us our bread and gravy. The other villagers are coming and they plan on stealing our children, what you think we should do? Should we arm the catapults with flaming babys and attack while they are unguarded, or should we run away like we did last time? Please you highness, we need supplies and babies for the long road ahead. Please send or we will rebel due to your oppression.
Signed, The Village People
We also when to Burger King and bought a Birthday Crown and then about a six-pack of "Royal" brand soda and set them on his desk. He;s the only person that doesn't know we are the ones that did it. He used to make his sophomore class run because of it. XP
I also know this one kid who would throw quarters at you if you made him angry, we used to always say things to him and then buy sodas.

He wasn't a friend though.