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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:27 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Asparagus Queen wrote:
I'm glad everyone's donating, but it seems like this whole thing is turning into a competition between people and countries. 'I can donate more than you' 'Oh yeah, well I'll up my donation!'... It's very disturbing. Donations are great, but some of these numbers are just getting bragged over. :roll:

But the thing is, because of all that bragging, plenty of money is getting to those who need it.

Don't be afraid to see the truth, even if no one wants you to. Be yourself and not a fool. Don't ever be afraid to speak your mind and listen to criticism. Dissent is keeps our country progressive and willingness to challenge yourself is what keeps yourself ever evolving.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:17 pm 
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SpiraLethe wrote:
But the thing is, because of all that bragging, plenty of money is getting to those who need it.

Based on competition. I wouldn't say that would a nobel reason to donate money. You should donate for the sake of those innocent people.

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:54 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Ammer wrote:
SpiraLethe wrote:
But the thing is, because of all that bragging, plenty of money is getting to those who need it.

Based on competition. I wouldn't say that would a nobel reason to donate money. You should donate for the sake of those innocent people.

Example: would you rather $5 million honest money is donated or $35 million out of competition?

Don't be afraid to see the truth, even if no one wants you to. Be yourself and not a fool. Don't ever be afraid to speak your mind and listen to criticism. Dissent is keeps our country progressive and willingness to challenge yourself is what keeps yourself ever evolving.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:36 pm 
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Hey, if competiton is getting more money in there, why not.


Last edited by Igg on Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:44 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Igg wrote:
Hey, if compeititon is getting more money in there, why not.

Amen, Iggingston.

Our school will be holding a civies day on Tuesday, each student contributing 2 dollars towards the fund to dress down(You can donate more)

Note: Ammer, read above

generally unimpressed. Koku.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:32 pm 
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Xil wrote:
Our school will be holding a civies day on Tuesday, each student contributing 2 dollars towards the fund to dress down(You can donate more)

Note: Ammer, read above

I was actually thinking that was a good idea and I didn't give any money. I was never aware of this and this is the first time I'm finding out about it.

Set by Medli

Last edited by Ammer on Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:51 pm 
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Asparagus Queen wrote:
Also, since the earthquake was known about, why didn't they prepare or leave? The government had been told about the 'quake, and nothing got done before hand... They could have at least told the people not to hang out on the beach. I know the water went miles inland, but to be out on the beach watching...

I dont think the government there had a warning system on their beaches like many U.S. beaches do.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:50 am 
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CSK wrote:
Wolven Spirits wrote:
Also, I read this, but it's on paper, not from a site, so I'll quote it:

Environmental activists are shamelessly trying to exploit the earthquake-tsunami catastrophe in hopes of advancing their global warming and anti-development agendas.

Two days after the tragedy, the executive director of Greenpeace UK told British newspaper The Independant, "No one can ignore the relentless increase in extreme weather events and so-called natural disasters, which in reality are no more natural than a plastic Christmas tree."

..."Here again are yet more events in the real world that are consisten with the climate change predictions." ... "We can expect in the coming years similar events happening as a result of global warming and therefore help and prevention are the responsibility of the Northern countries as well."

Exploitation of tragedy is a sport played not only by environmentalists.

Insurer Munich Re used the event as an opportunity to renew its call for action to fight global warming, which the insurance industry has recently started to blame for natural disasters.

...((bunch of facts about tectonics :) ))

... WHile tectonics may cause climate changes, the reverse is not true.

Despite the fictional tsunami that hit New York in the movie The Day After Tomorrow, there is no realistic climate change scenario that could possibly cause a tsunami-spawning earthquake.

Environmentalists are also looking to blame economic development for the devastation wreaked by the tsunamis in hopes of slowing down progress in the third world.

"A creeping rise in sea levels tied to global warming, pollution, and damage to coral reefs may make coastlines even more vulnerable to disasters like tsunamis or storms in future, experts said," reported Reuters this week. "Coasts are under threat in many countries," said... "Development of roads, shrimp farms, ribbon development along coasts and tourism are eroding natural defences in Asia.

Actually, sea levels in the region have been declining, according to satellite data and the long-term record of sea level changes for Bombay. ...

Given that fact, how deceptive and calculating of the environmentalists to blame 'development' as the deadly cause!

It's bad enough that environmentalists continually try to advance their agendas based on what can only be described as comically wrong information. But what's really troubling is that they seem hell-bent on denying poor nations the opportunity to develop economically so as to pull themselves out of their abject poverty.

Global warming activists are pressuring western banks to not make loans to energy projects in the developing world. Without energy, Third World economies are doomed to remain undeveloped. Citigroup and Bank of America have already caved-in to activist demands, ...

Malaria is yet another threat that tsunami survivors will face. Yet the environmentalist-led, junk science-fuelled ban on the insecticide DDT has had, and will continue to have, terrible human and economic impacts on the developing world.

The tsunamis are a terrible natural disaster -- but they are made worse by the not-so-natural disaster known as modern environmentalism.

SOrry that it's so long, the '...' are the stuff that wasn't so important to type :) heh. And sorry if there are any typos, I was typing as quickly as I could, hehe.

Those environmentalists... This article (from National Post) plain shocked me. An earthquake... NOT being natural??? Yeah, right. Pretty sad, if you ask me.

But I'm very happy, because my school is doing a fundraiser, (I'm helping, phwee!^^*) and we're giving it to the red cross, but since it's more, the government has to match it! Very happy about that, and I'm hoping that my school raises a lot of money!

Okay, I hate to break it to you, but the whole story about Greenpeace suggesting that the tsunami was a result of global warming is a complete and utter lie.

Refer to these sites for futher information:
PR Watch
Info Pollution
News Article

I also note that the article you mentioned is actually one written by the a science correspondence for Fox News (refer to the article in full here). I would be highly suspicious of any article this man writes, and I would suggest you take anything he says with a pinch of salt

It's my bad then. My science teacher gave it to us... It stated 'National Post' on there.
Pinch of salt taken^_~


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 2:17 am 
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Angus Young wrote:
Asparagus Queen wrote:
Also, since the earthquake was known about, why didn't they prepare or leave? The government had been told about the 'quake, and nothing got done before hand... They could have at least told the people not to hang out on the beach. I know the water went miles inland, but to be out on the beach watching...

I dont think the government there had a warning system on their beaches like many U.S. beaches do.

Yeah, none of the affected countries' governments had tsunami warning systems. There aren't any in the entire Indian Ocean because earthquakes that are strong enough to cause tsunamis don't occur very often.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:43 am 
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on_diet_cat wrote:
I dunno if you have seen these pictures before. It is in Thailand.


oh man.. o_O I have never seen those pictures. Theres just no words to desribe how scary that is. o_O

But i have noticed like some of you have, it looks like in 2nd to the last picture, people seem to be smiling or laughing. Or maybe its just how the pictures looks.. o_O

But thank you for posting those pics.

I am.. the ultimate Board Lurker. xD

Last edited by Donald on Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:22 am 
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Donald wrote:
on_diet_cat wrote:
I dunno if you have seen these pictures before. It is in Thailand.


oh man.. o_O I have never seen those pictures. Theres just no words to desribe how scary that is. o_O

But i have noticed like some of you have, it looks like in the last picture people seem to be smiling or laughing. Or maybe its just how the pictures looks.. o_O

But thank you for posting those pics.

yeah, some of them do seem to be smiling, but it might just be the way the picture was taken o.O; not sure.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:36 am 
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Hmm.. Looks like none of will really know
.. i also noticed this.. If you look closely, on the right of this picture, you can kinda tell its the same position of the 2nd picture.



and it seems like the guy on the car has taken the picture, but just zoomed in...

...Im not sure if that actually made sense, but i hope most of you actually got what i said. =)

I am.. the ultimate Board Lurker. xD

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 7:42 am 
Beyond Godly
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Donald wrote:
Hmm.. Looks like none of will really know
.. i also noticed this.. If you look closely, on the right of this picture, you can kinda tell its the same position of the 2nd picture.



and it seems like the guy on the car has taken the picture, but just zoomed in...

...Im not sure if that actually made sense, but i hope most of you actually got what i said. =)

It made sense alright. But I don't think it was the guy standing on the car. I've zoomed in and cropped it all. It's identical.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:43 pm 
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I feel sad about my friend, his mom's family came from NAD (Nanggro Aceh Darussalam), and about 15 of his' cousin missing from that earthquake and tsunami catastrophe. It causes him to not goto school for about 6 days or more. Thanks god I live in Jakarta, not Aceh. But still, I never forget the tragedy that causes almost 125,000 victims.

The one thing that make me confuse, is why our (Indonesia) government didn't told them to aware from the earthquake. Just because my country doesn't have tsunami's acquiescent tool, it doesn't mean we can't detect the earthquake, right?

// fyi, i'm from indonesia.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:07 pm 
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Scholastic wrote:
I feel sad about my friend, his mom's family came from NAD (Nanggro Aceh Darussalam), and about 15 of his' cousin missing from that earthquake and tsunami catastrophe. It causes him to not goto school for about 6 days or more. Thanks god I live in Jakarta, not Aceh. But still, I never forget the tragedy that causes almost 125,000 victims.

The one thing that make me confuse, is why our (Indonesia) government didn't told them to aware from the earthquake. Just because my country doesn't have tsunami's acquiescent tool, it doesn't mean we can't detect the earthquake, right?

// fyi, i'm from indonesia.

The earthquake was out at see, when a landmass due to movements of the earth's surface. Sometimes similas earthquakes happen but they do not result in Tsunamis. Therefore special equipment is needed to measure how much a part of the sea falls down (this time it dropped just one meter but had a diameter of some kilometers). These falldown cause massive movement in the water and tsumanis are created.

Now, think that was understandable? :P

Anyway, main point is that with just measuring the richter of the quake will never tell you for certain if it has created an approaching tsunami.

Further on, the Indonesian government and many others did not tell the public about the quake because of economic reasons. Which was foolish enough.

Set by everconfused

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