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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:29 am 
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Nessa wrote:
Kristina: "I can't wait to go back to the states and eat real chinese food."

I rest my case.

hahahhaha. That's hilarious XD

My friends... well, one of them calls me native girl... cus I said that it smells like rain :)

My friends can get pretty wild... No events come to mind at the moment, though, heh.

Basically, my asian friends make TONS of sick jokes, like, reeeally sick jokes, ummm, my (mostly) caucasian friends are plain crazy, and yeah, it's hard to group them.

THen my other friend had two boyfriends at the same time o.O; she was kinda in the middle of breaking up with one of them, though. Very complicated situation, and no, she's not a player. It was just pretty wild, haha. We have sooo many inside jokes, that's all we do all throughout science class, hehe. I call her lard, by the way, and she calls me Cristoph, hehe.

I guess maybe my friends aren't as wild as some people, but I must say, they are pretty crazy. Just can't explain it^^* hehe.


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:40 am 
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Anthony: "I went to a Mexican restaurant yesterday; it was so authentic, you even had to speak Mexican." :roflol:

I have freaks for friends. My friend Rel(Arielle) always makes up a new catchphrase every week. This week it's "Burgundy Jaundice!" Funnay people.


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 7:40 am 
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And Pez also does this weird movement that is, "talk to the hand!" And then later on....
Pez: talk to the elbow cause the arm ain't worth the extension!

memories of yesterday; because you've left me at the beginning

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 1:42 pm 
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I have really weird friends, I'm weird too!

This was an exact conversation.

Me: Did you hear about Janet Jackson and Justin?
Raman: The mishap?
Me: Yeah, I heard it at PPT.
Raman:....Well I heard it at TPP!
Me: Shut up.


Maathusan: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Me: SHUT UP! I HATE THAT JOKE! (He said it like 8 times!)
Maathusan: To get to the other side!
Maathusan: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Maathusan: To get to the other side!
Maathusan: *Singing* Whhhhhhhyyyyyyyy diiiiiiiiid thhhhhheeeeee chiiiiiiickeeeeeeeeen crooooooooooooossssssssss ttttthhhhhhhheeeeee roooooooooaaaaaaaaasaaaadddddd?
Me: ...?
Maathusan: Toooooo geeeeeeeettt tooooooo thhhhheeeeee otthhhhhhherrrrr siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide!
*Bell rings*


Julie: Daniel, do you ever think you'll move?
Me: No, why?
Julie: Because I.........
*Maathusan runs over*
Maathusan: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Maathusan: To get to the other side!
Julie: P'wned.
Daniel: What were you saying?
Julie: I'll talk to you on MSN about it. It's something private, I need you and only you to know.
*Maathusan wakes up*
Maathusan: Daniel, I think she's trying to say that she l.....
Julie: P'wned.
Me: Pshh.
Julie: Well, it's 10:32, 3 more minutes until recess is over! Let's go.
Maathusan: Ewww! You guys are...
Julie: P'wned.


Later that evening....

Popcorn (Julie) Has Signed In.

Julie: Yo!
Me: Yo!
Me: What were you saying at school?
Julie: Oh! Are you going to move anytime?
Me: Yeah, to Missisauga.
Julie: When?
Me: Grade 6.
Julie: To where?
Me: Close to where you live, Mavis.
Julie: !! That's great!

Oh yeah. I wanted to tell you that I want to meet you on Saurday at the mall.

Me: Fine with me.
Http:// (Maathusan) Has Signed In.
Julie: Oh yeah, here.
Http:// Has Joined the Conversation.
Maathusan: So, what? Has she ya' know....?
*Flow of Nudges*


Recess - Ysterday...

Raman: Yo!
Julie: Yo!
Me: Yo!
Maathusan: Yo!
Me: I got the episode of AG with Ralts! I'll send it to you guys later on mIRC.
Maathusan: YEAHOOO! *Starts to tap dane*
Julie: Wee! *Starts to spin around*
Raman: Yay! *Rolling around on the pavement*
Me: Yipee! *Jumping-jacks*
Other people: O_O....


At my house........

Me: Yo!
Julie: Yo!
Maathusan: Yo!
Raman: Yo!
Me: So, you guys wanted to play MVC2?
All: Yeah!
Maathusan: Let's get drunk over Cola!
All: Yeah!


Note: "Yo!" is our meeting greet.

Neopets: Morphone
Maple Story: Animelee, Scania


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:24 pm 
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well, my best-friend's little brother, who's kool, got his head stuck in a folding chair... A WOODEN folding chair... they were about to call the fire department when he got his head unstuck

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:28 pm 
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Ok, I'll amuse you all with a few things that have occured in IMs with a few PPTers:

Yukio: eh?
Yukio: eh?
Me: eh?
Yukio: eh?
Me: eh?
Yukio: eh?
Me: ya know, we could do this all day...

Paul: Hey Chass
Me: Hey Paul
Paul: Hey Chass.
Me: Hey Paul.
Paul: Ohh hang on,
Me: Ok.
Paul: ok
Paul: Hey Chass :-)
Me: Hey Paul =)


Me: Fine, you're southern canadian, but still more northern than me.
Dan: Then your Southern American but still more Northern than me.

Me: I may be northern southern american, but I'm still more southern than you.
Dan: but that would make me a nrothern southern nrothern Canadian.
Dan: nrothern especially XD

Love is blindness. -- Set by my Secret Santa =D

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:32 pm 
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Well. None of my friends are weird- but some are a bit random. One online friend, especially.

Over IM, we both get rather creepy sometimes. Usually it begins like this- she's being too hyper. So then I usually say something along the lines of "Someone broke into the sugar supply again..." and then she says something along the lines of...


And then I'm forced to lock her in the imaginary sphere that another PPTer created. Usually, it's like a huge glass gerbil ball. But the good thing about the sphere is that no one from the outside can hear anything she says, no matter how loud she screams. So I end up rolling her around the room, crashing her into the walls, etc., and the entire time people are trying to save her, but I won't let them because... I just won't. And finally as I crash her into the wall for the millionth time, the sphere breaks. And then I cut her with the glass, and usually end up killing her.

If that's not crazy, I don't know what is.

the greatest love story never told.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:39 pm 
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Dawn2 wrote:
Well. None of my friends are weird- but some are a bit random. One online friend, especially.

Over IM, we both get rather creepy sometimes. Usually it begins like this- she's being too hyper. So then I usually say something along the lines of "Someone broke into the sugar supply again..." and then she says something along the lines of...


And then I'm forced to lock her in the imaginary sphere that another PPTer created. Usually, it's like a huge glass gerbil ball. But the good thing about the sphere is that no one from the outside can hear anything she says, no matter how loud she screams. So I end up rolling her around the room, crashing her into the walls, etc., and the entire time people are trying to save her, but I won't let them because... I just won't. And finally as I crash her into the wall for the millionth time, the sphere breaks. And then I cut her with the glass, and usually end up killing her.

If that's not crazy, I don't know what is.

Gehehe, I'm not crazy, of course not!


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:42 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Location: New Jersey. The state we love to hate and hate to love.
Strange friends...oh YEAH! I got strange friends that could make you all cover your head in shame.

DANNY! This kid dreams about biscuits, I am serious. He talks in his sleep and he says, "Bisssccuits..." He knows more useless knowledge than anyone I know. Sometimes he has random spaz attacks I call them. He runs around the house, hides in my closet and then when I find him, he starts hissing and than pants, running away again. Then he decides to attack me and flail his arms around. I love him to death! He is the coolest friend EVER!

RICKY! Wow. Ricky is a hippy, that's all I have to say. He always wears these weird tye-dyed shirts and is trying to get everyone to stop fighting. And he plays a lot of video games, so everything that he says he compares to like, Super Mario or something. We met because he decided to follow me home from school which really freaked me out! And he's always breakdancing, everywhere, all the time. Doing handstands, doing backflips, spinning on his head. Oh yeah, and he's obsessed with Air Heads. He steals people's wrappers of Air Heads just to smell them. Oh, and he listens to Christian rap music. It's the funniest stuff ever!

JESSICA! Jessica and I have the same art class together, and we just met this year, but I consider her to be a really good friend. She and I drool over Kakashi from Naruto together, ramble on about anime and sing Jimmy Buffet's "Cheeseburger in Paradice." She's an Ebay fanatic and buys everything and anything off of there. (Including stickers of Kakashi without a mask. Lol.) Because of her I have found am ebay card game and plan to buy it for her one of these days. One of her most famous quotes that I still refuse to get over is...

Jessica: Hey Sarah, you know what state everyone forgets? Like you know, if you were to write down all the states you'd always forget it? Minnesota.
Sarah: How did you think of this one?
Jessica: I thought of it lying in bed last night.


The strangest person I think on PPT would have to be I_love_starburst. (She's gonna kill me for this!) But a looong time ago we've quoted each other back and forth and back and forth in PMs untill the boxes grew soooo tiny. :P


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:47 pm 
PPT Toddler
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One of my friends just yesterday screamed "KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE Zerg rush!" during lunch...that was a bit odd. <_<


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:37 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Fallen wrote:
One of my friends just yesterday screamed "KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE Zerg rush!" during lunch...that was a bit odd. <_<

Some of mine will use "___ ____ for teh win!!" quite often (Zerg Rush, Mass Chims, etc).

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 11:17 pm 
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Frost wyrms > Chim's


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 2:11 am 
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Location: Waterloo, Canada friends aren't that weird. The weirdest we get is having spontaneous poking/slapping-on-the-arm fights at any given time.

But there's one that kinda stands out. He's generally hilarious at any given moment, never actually gets angry, and is somewhat of a contortionist. He can twist his arm one complete circle and rest it on a table, twist his leg in the same fashion, and do all this other stuff that I can't use words to describe.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:49 am 
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Yoshi wrote: friends aren't that weird. The weirdest we get is having spontaneous poking/slapping-on-the-arm fights at any given time.

We do that too... actually I started a like, 10 person (a big group in our 150 kid school) poke tag game...

Another thing we do is something we like to call "got your nose!" where we just try to poke the other person in the nose... i actually got a 2 year old who i watch at school to do it, so she comes up to me, pokes me in the nose, and says, "Got your Nose!!!"... I luv lily...

EDIT: I just reread that last sentence... Lily is the 2 year old I was talking about...

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:57 pm 
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ohohoh, I thought of one, hehe. My friend started randomly dancing in the middle of the hallway!!! haha. It was SOO funny cus she was purposefully dancing SUPER badly, haha. Everyone was staring, it was HILARIOUS, hehe. I think I hid my face in my hands, and looked away ^_^ hehe. But then I started staring too, cus it was just too funny^^*


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