Qanda wrote:
Silja wrote:
How can you know that a tree that fell down somewhere in the woods of Siberia (faaaar away from where you live) made a noise when it fell?
I just lurve this psychological problems

You mean philosophical?
To your question - simple. I don't know.
Patrly, but it's used in psychology as well.
Anyway, the main point is some insist that they just know the tree made a noise, just because all other trees that they have seen fall do so. But how do we know it did? And how do we know it didn't? How do we know we DON'T know? *confuzzled*
Deeper aspects, duuude

Another one I posted in another topic a while ago:
Three snakes, with the exact same size, are in a circle (each biting onto the tail of the one in front of them). They then start eating each other at the exact same rate. If assuming they don't die of it as snakes don't really bite their food that much if it doesn't wriggle that much, what will become of the snakes after they have finished eating each other?

Qanda wrote:
Eidolon wrote:
here's a riddle

I like riddles.
A man is sentenced to death blah blah blah. He is put in a room with three doors; on the left is a room full of motion-sensing bombs that will detonate as soon as he enters the room. In the middle is a room full of assasins that will kill him the moment he opens the door. In the third room is a pit of lions that haven't been fed in four years, who will devour him alive when he falls into the pit. The man is aware of what is contained in each room and he must pick one or die a horrible nasty pull-apart-y death. Which room does he choose?
Easy. I'll go with the lions, since they are most probably dead after having starved for 4 years.
Somehow I see this thread turning into a riddle thread...
I'd choose the bombs, al though I don't know if the man would

At least the explosives would (hopefully) kill me instantly, which the assassins might be able to do... but definitely not the lions, oh the torture...
Anyway, I haven't seen that many riddles here Qanda