coming2atvnearu wrote:
Wolven Spirits wrote:
coming2atvnearu wrote:
Wolven Spirits wrote:
Yoshi wrote:
*sheepish grin*
I've never been to a live hockey game before. Not a particular hockey fan (only watched some "important" games on TV once or twice). And I've lost my toque.

You may all hit me now.
*hugs* I've never been to a live one either o.O;;
The first hockey game I ever watched was the Canada Vs US olympics um, 3 years ago, I think. hehehe. I never had a toque o.O;
Shhhh, just don't let the Americans know and we'll be fine. As long as they keep thinking that we live in igloos and we can't hear Ann Coulter say that we should be thankful that americans allow us to even live on the same continent, we should be okay. (Have I mentioned how much I enjoy right-wing conservative talk show host party hacks?)
Heh, did you see the 'Talking to Americans' show? it was hilarious XD They must have cut out a lot of people, and I'm sure that many Americans ARE educated, but it goes to show that there are some who aren't. It kinda makes me wonder what would happen if the Americans had a show like that here. *ponders*
"But mom... Canada has provinces!" hehe. If you've seen it, you'll understand^_~
Yeah... of course some are very intelligent. Then again, some very select Americans aren't...
My favourites were the governor of Arkansas believing that the Canadians capital building was actually an igloo, the governor of Iowa who thought that American and Canadian minutes were different lengths and George W. Bush who thought that our Prime Minister was called Mr. Jean Poutine. I don't suppose there's someway to get a PPT map up, is there? Just a map of the world where we can somehow put a dot or a pin where everyone lives like they have in Tourist stops or something.
haha, yeah, that one just cracked me up so bad XDD *rofl* I saw a taped version, and was babysitting, so I didn't see all of it, but I saw most^_^ hehe.
Just like the one about the Russian navy attacking Saskatchewan^^* hehe.*goes to post*