Igg wrote:
A simple fact that males are stronger than females. By saying that I'm not being discriminatory, I'm stating a fact.
Men are also faster than women, which is why in athletics events and suchlike there are separate races for men and women. If girls/boys wrestled, girls would never win (going on averages, obviously you have to generalise, but you can't take this case by case, there must be a set rule for this kind of thing or you run into all sorts of problems).
I have such a problem with all these women who immediately jump on something you say for being sexist. If I was being sexist I'd say 'girls shouldn't wrestle because they're weak' or 'girls shouldn't wrestle boys and i'm not basing this on any sort of fact but merely on the fact i think boys are superior to girls'. Yeesh, feminism going off the scale.
Although it doesn't apply so much when you're younger, it wouldn't be fair at all to have girls and boys wrestling in the same categories competitively.
It also honestly is more dangerous for the girl, as a rule.
Kyra wrote:
"some of the girls looked like they could've snapped a guy in half, so I don't think people should be worried about the girls getting hurt.

Perhaps so, but unfortunately in sports you HAVE TO generalise. It's safer for those involved to assume that in general the girl will get hurt, than to assume they will all be completely fairly matched and them get very hurt.
Also, sure, they could've snapped a guy in half, but a guy wrestler? Hm.
but you're
not basing this on fact. you're basing this on the assumption that it's dangerous for the girl, which it in fact usually is not.
my boyfriend wrestled in high school, and there was a girl on his team (not in his weight class, so he never actually wrestled her), and seeing as she was paired with people
in her weight class and
on her level she never got hurt.
hell, you could generalise that ANYONE could get very hurt in wrestling. to single out the girls is, indeed, very sexist, no matter how much feminism annoys you. what you're saying is, it doesn't matter if the girl is an amazing wrestler, she shouldn't be allowed to wrestle simply because she is a female. sorry, but this is a sexist statement.
besides, the strength thing is a bad argument, because there's a lot more to wrestling than strength. if a person, male or female, was not up to par, they shouldn't be on the wrestling team to begin with.
Eo wrote:
I'm thinking the problem is... girls and boys on top of eachother... and yeah, that's real immature of me to say that, but that's probably it.
another unfair argument. if this were the case then you'd have to not allow gay boys on the team, and no one would argue that that isn't discrimination.