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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:53 am 
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o_0 wrote:
x_x At a school in the next town over, there's a shooting incident about every month. o_o

But I know TONS of kids at my school have switchblade knives in their pockets, and it scares me. One kid in my gym class got mad at another kid and incidentally they were right next to my gym locker. He pushed the kid toward the wall and flicked his knife open and held it right next to the kid's throat. It scared me so much...

Every month?!?! That's a crappy habit to get into.

Home of the free, land of the constant fear in the back of your mind that someone's could pull out a revolver at any minute.


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:33 am 
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Glad nobody got hurt. :)

I don't really see the problem with people bringing weapons to school. I know someone that has at least one gun tucked inside his locker, not that he intends on using it. :P But heh, some people just get mad easily. :( I was set on fire the other day. Not bad, but still. XD

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:50 am 

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Stijn wrote:
Glad nobody got hurt. :)

I don't really see the problem with people bringing weapons to school. I know someone that has at least one gun tucked inside his locker, not that he intends on using it. :P But heh, some people just get mad easily. :( I was set on fire the other day. Not bad, but still. XD

Well, I have a real big problem with guns being brought to school. It's just not a place for guns. (if there is any place for them anyway)
Accidents can always happen, even if you don't intend to. What happens if someone has a really bad grade and is so angry about it that he reaches for the gun in rage? Last year, here in the Netherlands, someone shot his teacher in school, in front of other students in the cafetaria, just because he didn't like him...
I don't see the humor in being set on fire either :roll:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:28 pm 
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guns at school? i think i have the best school in the world :o

you don't get to wear stupid uniforms yet the teachers are very correct in the rules (you know, rubbing snow in someones face is allowed xD, but knives and stuff not) :)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 2:22 am 
Beyond Godly
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Location: New Jersey. The state we love to hate and hate to love.
Seems a lot of schools have bomb and gun threats nowadays. Recently someone was almost murdered in my school. Some girl attacked him with a jewlrey saw and cut into his neck. He had to be rushed into the hospital, and it was something about she just missed some sort of major vien or something like that. We had a bomb threat last year and two years before that. The kid who got attacked by the jewlrey saw was planning to bring a gun to the football game after pep ralley. But before he could, a gang fight was schedualed in the park across the street from my school with guns and knives.

Whew. And I only live in the suburbs. Kind of crazy. o_O


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:12 am 
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Well, my town had a few threats in 2003. 2 in the high school, 2 in the middle school, and (suprisingly) 1 at an elementary school. They were all copycats because at the same time some other towns in the area had threats in their schools.

People do carry around knives, but no one ever uses them. Worst things that have happened at my school were an attempted poisoning of a teacher and someone bringing a BB gun into school. And someone set a locker on fire last year for some reason.

Over in Marshfield, though, there was this huge thing earlier this fall. Some kid had allegedly planned to murder teachers and students. When police searched his room they found hand drawn maps of the school, showing where exits were so he could lock everyone in. He planned it all for the Columbine anniversary =\

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:34 pm 
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When my elementry school was being rebuilt, we were at the middle school with all the middle schoolers, and some kid got beat up by some middle schoolers in a bathroom. We weren't allowed to go to the bathroom alone then and we couldn't go to the bathroom during recess either then. Which is why I wound up holding it in for about 3 hours. *shudders* I hated third grade.

I'd be totally freaked out if someone got beat up in my school bathroom now.. since I'm homeschooled now.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 9:19 pm 
PPT Toddler
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WE had a bomb threat a couple weeks ago. It was the first one in like 3 years. Only it was for the high school and not an elementary school this time.
It was for the last day of exams. They found it written in a girls bathroom. They took it seriously even though I heard it was written in gel pen. That friday we all came to school and had to go through two main entrances and get our coats checked. There were police there and they had dogs sniff the building before they let anyone in. It was kinda scary but nothing happened. It was probably someone who didn't wanna have exams.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:00 pm 
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Wow, I bet that would make any american proud of their right to bear arms, it sure is doing good for the country!

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:00 pm 
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In Washington, DC stuff like shootings happen all teh time especially in the S.E. part of teh city. Tons of gang violence in teh schools I've nevr witnessed anything, but once in a part of teh city called Mt. Pleasant there was a shooting with two rival gang members. I was on a busthat was a few blocks form where it happened, pretty scary.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:05 pm 
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That's really creepy. I haven't had any of that at my school, but at some highschools pretty close to mine, there were a few gangs and they severely mauled this one kid's face. It's really sad.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:56 pm 
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They have armed cops roaming the hallways in the public school district next to mine. It's that bad.

Skullsplitter wrote:
Wow, I bet that would make any american proud of their right to bear arms, it sure is doing good for the country!

If you so much as think of turning this in to a gun control debate, I'll have your guts for garters. Save that stuff for the debate group.


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:37 am 
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Around here there was a bomb threat...some kid thought he could get out of regents exams if he did that....and ended up getting arrested, probation, the whole nine yards.

And then there was these kids who sent an email threat to a boy telling him if he came to school they would kill him. It turned out that was their ingenius attempt to make the kid move to another school becasue they didn't like him. End results were same as above.

As for they don't happen in school....the gangs up in downtown Rochester (NY) jsut shoot eachother during the day or night.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:26 pm 
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Location: England's heraring about things like this that make you wonder just how safe it is to leave your house, or whether your kids are going to be safe at school. I've had issues about going outside before, and I used to be so scared, because of hearing about all kinds of awful things. Gotta learn not to dwell on it though, even though it's quite hard.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:43 pm 
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Kitten Medli wrote:
Makes me glad I homeschool..

Glad nobody was hurt.

Amen, though I did use to attend the public school and the kids there are all pretty nice. I do remember one time when we had a lockdown because there had been a robbery nearby and the suspect was supossedly armed and hiding out near the school, but fortunately nothing happened and they caught the guy.

I'm all for civil rights and what not, but I think the right to bear arms isn't really necessary. The original 2nd ammendment actually says citizens have the right to bear arms in order to form citizen militias to defend the country. But we don't do that any more, we have the military, so the ammendment is, in esscence, obsolete.

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