hyperflutterby wrote:
AFI_Sorrow wrote:
O_O;; Cute? Well maybe if you get rid of the eight legs and the creepy eyes and the SUPER jaw-like things.

They would make a good petpet on Neopets though.
Actually, is it just me or they look like a cross between a spider and a scorpian? In the second picture, if you scroll down a tad it does.
I happen to think that spiders are adorable.

They are brilliant creatures that eat a lot of the nasty bugs that pester us and raid our gardens. It's fascinating to watch them move.
The bigger varieties are also very delicate. When I had a tarantua as a pet, I had to be very careful not to drop him. If a big spider is dropped from a height of more than a foot or so, they won't survive the fall because when they land, the force exerted on their legs travels up to where the legs join the body and that is the weakest part on a spider. If they're dropped, their body will split open at that weak point and they'll die shortly after from the trauma.
Most big tarantuas don't move very much because their legs don't use muscles like our's it is more of a pressure system that requires fluids. The only time they will move very quickly is to capture prey or when they're frightened.

You actually like spiders?

To me, they are the worst. They pop out at random times, and I completely freak out. Although, when I was really young, and living in St. Thomas, I used to be fascinated by tarantulas, and used to try to 'fish' them out of their dens with a blade of grass. But that was when I was three or four, and didn't know that they could bite. Well, on topic now. The weirdest creature I've ever seen is the Snakehead Fish.
And I have actually seen one in real life. Last summer vacation, some idiot dumped their pool water into the creek.

My mom was the first to discover it. She was out feeding one of the stray cats that come to our house to be fed, and she went to the creek to chck it out. That's when she discovered all of the fish where floating belly up. There was not one live fish. Later on in the afternoon, a bunch of people, policemen, my parents and neighbours(including my friend Sean), and others went out to see what was wrong, and saw the snakehead fish, and pointed it out. The policeman thought it to be an eel, but my dad said it was probably a snakehead fish, once we got inside(The head was the wrong shape to be an eel). Then, it(the snakehead)eventually disappeared. Still wonder where it went.
*Edit* I forgot to say it was a
live, yes live, but dying snakehead.