Do you like apples? - Yes.
How do you usually eat them? - I usually slice it in half, then in quarters, then in eighths, then slice out the little seeds/middle part, then dice it up into little bitty pieces, then put it in a bowl with cinnamon and sugar and stir it together and eat it. Quite good, but only if you get a good apple that's nice and crunchy.
Do you prefer to cut them into pieces, or do you simply bite? Do you cut them with a knife or one of those fancy-schmancy apple-wedger thingamabobbers? See above

I cut them with a knife - I use my dad's favorite knife which is coincidentally my favorite knife, because it's sharp and the blade extends below the handle so it's nice for chopping.
What kinds of apples do you eat? - I like Fuji apples, personally. Although my best friend's step-grandparents have an apple orchard thingy in Walla Walla and those apples are pretty good.
Do you like apple pie? - meh. don't really eat it all that often. haha. and one time, at band camp...*insert immature smiley here*
What about apple turnovers? - see above
Do you peel your apples, or are you a fiberphile and keep the skin on? i keep the skin on

Peeling is something that requires too much effort, unless you have one of those nifty peeler thingies that you turn around and around. Those things fascinate me to no end. If I had one I'd use it, just to see if I could make one loooooooooong spiral of peel out of one apple.