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 Post subject: Interface
PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:01 pm 
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((this is based off a mix of .hack, Heir Apperaint and Pendragon: The Reality Bug. If you haven't read any of them, that's okay, they are just the foundations of this rp))

It is earth, near future. The perfection of total submersion RPGs has come at last, and the game "Interface" is the most popular one around. Interface is an online game, to which people all across the globe log into. In Interface, you can be anything, anyone. The Interface world is a mixture of medivel fantasy creatures, modern day life, and futuristic weapons.

So log into Interface- and experience a world unlike anything you've ever seen!

((oi, i desperatly need a life...))

no godmoding, powerplaying, etc.
no mary/gary sues,
and all the other basic rules.

Bios: As said before, you can "be anything, anyone." Human, mage, furre, elf, whatever! go nuts! Just keep in mind, the roleplay will be set in the Interface, were anything can happen, and normal people aren't themselves, but there choosen character. what you will be discribing in the bio is your character's avatar. This avatar will show them int here entirety, and in the Interface, you move around like a normal person, like in a rpg video game. Users battle each other, so you could give your character a weapon.

bio setup:

My character:
Name: Kyma
Age: 14
Gender: female
Species: human
Apperance: short, light blue hair, green eyes, medium skin tone. she wears a long sleeved navy blue shirt and bell-bottom blue jeans with rhinestone dragonflies at the bottom. She stands about 5'5" and carries a 5' 3" wood staff.
Other: Kyma is a level one shaman. She just joined Interface and is constantly confused with the game, but she should catch on soon...

((I relise this will be weird, roleplaying as someone roleplaying, but hey, whay not give it a shot?))

Set by Scholastic, winner of my set contest!

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:42 pm 
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[OOC: Sounds awesome, I always thought a RL version of this would be fun. Anyway, I'm gonna try to join in this one, but I can't 100% guarantee activity. I'll post when I can, but my life has been rather hectic lately. If it doesn't work out... well, I don't know, we can pretend my character died some how. Hopefully it won't come to that though, as I've really been wanting to pick up RPing again. :)]

Name: Kathy
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: A bit short in height for her age, Kathy has brown hair with blonde highlights, giving her hair a sort of caramel colour. Her eyes are also brown, and her skin white with a medium tan. She wears a black turtle neck that is made of a material similar to that of a light jacket. Her pants are also dark and made of the same light-weight material. She carries her sniper gun on her back most of the time, right beside her pack in which she stores miscellaneous items from the game.
Other: Kathy took up a sniper role in the game, and is around level 3. She just recently joined in the Interface, but has already played it enough to have most of the basics down.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:11 am 
Beyond Godly
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Location: Set by me.

Name: Renn
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Apperance: Average height, around 5'2. Blond/brown hair falls stright to her shoulders, where it flips up at the end. Grey eyes.

Name: Tyris
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Furre; feline/fox
Apperance: Standing at around 5'2, Tyris has a graceful, willowy figure. Covered in a pale grey pelt, with the occasional stripe of darker grey, almost tabby-like. Her heart-shaped face is framed by locks of navy, which tumble randomly to a point midway down her back. Large, faox-like ears protrude from her hair.

||This character is me to a T. Even the name. XD

I will most liekly be adding a furre or elf charrie, too.||

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

Last edited by .:Requiem:. on Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:33 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:24 am 
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Location: In a hamster cage and covered in Twinkle's glitter.
Name: Franzai Lighthouse
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Furre; Squirrel
Apperance: Franzai stands at a height of 5'4" and weighs in at one hundred and forty pounds. He is a muscular creature, but has a gentle face. His brown fur is cautiously groomed, from his forehead to the tip of his bushy tail. Black hair descends to his shoulders in wavy locks. Sad dark eyes meet your gaze. If you have a guilty conscience, those eyes are startling. Franzai wears a hooded black cloak over chain mail. Under his chain mail is a simple outfit designed to prevent the chain mail from clinking or becoming uncomfortable. He also wears a pair of very dark boots made for sneaking and a pair of equally dark fingerless gloves.
Other: Franzai joined Interface for the purpose of relaxing after a rough day of private school every day. He also has had little oppurtunity to meet girls, he being trapped in an all-boy school, and so this is his way of meeting players that hopefully really are girls. Franzai signed on as a thief, but with unselfish motives. He learned to rob the right people and started following leads to criminal hiearchy as he learned to move around undetected. Stealing turned to spying, and spying turned to informing the authorities when a lead finally ended with a threat to whatever society he was stealing in. He makes no real friends, though he had a girlfriend on the game once. She turned out to be working for one of his leads, and so he seperated from her one day after stealing some disappointing information. Franzai's main In Character goal is to take the truth behind every intrigue and make them common knowledge so that evil will have no secrets left and will become a target to the brave and just.
Capabilities: The furre picks pockets, tracks by sight and scent, picks locks, sneaks around, and hacks. He has little combat experience, as his type of work shies away from it. If Franzai does fight, his agility and ranged combat are pretty much all he has. When unarmed, as he almost always is, he puts up a fairly good hand-to-hand struggle, usually knocking his target out quickly and quietly. He can tie up a player and hide them nicely, or turn them in for crimes himself, though he usually just informs the authorities and lets them handle it. His main weapon is a little tape recorder, his silent witness to many evils.

Hamriffic set by stampsyne

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:36 am 
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Name: Meiou Bunny (as hes called in game)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Furre: Rabbit
Apperance: A 5'10 Crimson furred rabbit. Hes generally seens wearing black tunic with red lining black pants and boots in clothing and a sword covered in runes. He also wears his long red hair tied into a braid.
Other: Dont let his appearance fool you hes a 13th level gamer and also weilds some magic that catches his enemies offgaurd. More often then not hes on some quest for fun of journey.


Please somone sign up with this an help me out to get KH2

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:57 am 
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Name: Mesmer Kirsandia
Age: Unknown [like he'd give you a chance to ask him]
Gender: Male
Species: Fallen Angel
Apperance: He wears a black sorceror's robe. There is a nice matching hood that shades his face from view. Sometimes characters see silver symbols shift across the robes but Mesmer always "persuades" [hint...hint...] them that they were only having a temporary vision disruption. He wields 2 kodachis [swords too long to be a dagger but too short to be a long sword, for defense purposes] As an assassin, he possesses ninja throwing stars and poison darts, which there are an endless supply of. [endlessly disapearing supply...always when he needs it most...] People that have turned their back on him, "disappeared mysteriously."
Other: As he is no longer "truly" an angel, his powers are severely limited and now bound to darkness. He's a level 10 assassin...but that doesn't necessarily mean he's that good...he spent lots of time assassinating plants.

Ooh. It's pretty. :D See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then. :(

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:27 am 
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Location: Seattle, WA
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Name: Urthdigger Quickclaw
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Furre, Mole
Apperance: Urthdigger is a brown mole with blue eyes, height around 5'4". His clothes are a green t-shirt, khaki shorts, and a pair of boots, although he occasionally will wear armor over this.
Other: Urth is level 10, but has spent a lot of time exploring the world so he generally knows where to find stuff or what to do. His class is pretty much a jack of all trades, so he's weaker than your average level 10 player, but he's a lot more versatile.

Hehe, I've actually done an RP like this. I'm wondering whether to do it the same way I did last time (I had offline moments where he was using a program to study the data coming into the game. He couldn't hack it, but he could use the knowledge to his advantage)


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:09 am 
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Location: Australia
Name: Sungiver the Appraiser
Age: 600 years (21 in the real world)
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Apperance: Sungiver has thick, metallic platinum scales, shading to lighter on its underside and getting finer and less thick on its neck. She has a thin, long body with a long, whip-like tail. On the end of her tail is a hooklike extension. She has short limbs with three splayed digits on each foot that end in long claws. She has enormous wings running from her shoulders to her hips. Her head is narrow. She has deep-set eyes that are dark copper. She has tiny, frilled ears. A series of tendrils extends, hair-like, from the back of her head. A bony ridge separates her nostrils.
Weapon: Sungiver carries an extremely large sword know as the 'Soultwister'. It has a blade with a gold hue to it, a guard shaped like wings and a grip of a white metal set with citrine and pearls.
Other: Sungiver owns a large castle which is part of a kingdom named 'Kingdom of the Diamond Gate', this kingdom contains the legendary Diamond Gate which allows passage between two 'worlds' in Interface. Her castle guards the Diamond Gate and she receives 70% of the toll collected by people passing through the gate, however she has had to fight some difficult battles in the past in order to keep the gate safe.
Sungiver is a level 18 character who is extremely powerful and wealthy and knows almost everything about Interface.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:52 pm 
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((Sounds Cool! I'll Give It A shot.))

Age:14, in both the game and real world.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Jak is a dark green snake with a single black stripe down his back. He is about 60cm (2 feet) long, and not very wide. He has long fangs, but they remain hidden in his mouth most of the time.
Other: Jak is very cunning, and enjoys tricking the new players. He is level 9, so Jak knows his way around the game, although he has stayed in one area mostly, so other parts are relatively new to him. He stays near the entrance to the game, because that is where all the new players are. Jak prefers to travel alone, although he will join a party if there is something in it for him, other than help in battles. His fangs are his only weapon and can pierce most skin, although it cannot pierce armor. His poison that his fangs inject paralyses first then kills, although quite a bit is needed for that to happen. If he sees something that he cannot


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:51 pm 
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((It's nice to know that this is off to a rather popular start. Well, let's get started, eh?))
Kyma knew that her body was really in a MRI like tube, wires attached to her head, in New York, and that this was all just a computer-created fantasy. Still, she could not help but marvel at the complexity of the Interface. She was standing on a sidewalk, people bumping into her as they hurried from place to place. The city looked a lot like pictures she had seen of modern China, with huge buildings and lots of pedestrians. She took a deep, calming breath, as not to be to frightened by the Interface experience. She put her staff on her shoulder, holding it with the adjacent hand, and smiled. As she looked out at the city, she thought Look out Interface, there's a new shaman in town!

Set by Scholastic, winner of my set contest!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:38 pm 
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Kathy was already connected to the Interface. Her dark clothes blended in with her surroundings, a dark hotel room on the 7th floor. The room’s window was slightly agape, open just enough for the end of her sniper rifle’s barrel to stick through. She’d been waiting in this room, with all the lights off, legs crouched, arms bent, and one eye closed while the other stared through the gun to the pavement below for nearly 26 minutes now. It was a long and somewhat boring process, but she’d been hired to snipe a lv. 6 human, and the pay was good. Every now and then she’d glance down at the picture given to her of the human. A tall, muscular looking man with hair died electric blue and tattoos running all down both arms. His appearance was a bit outstanding, and this made him an easy target. She was glad for that, but not so thrilled about the wait. The clock blinked another minute passed, and silently Kathy prepared herself as the target came into view.


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:20 am 
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Jak slithered beside the sidewalk, not being noticed by many, as most of the people around him were new and confused. Jak continued down the street, looking for a sucker. He continued and found a perfect one, a shaman it looked like. Jak licked his fangs and got them ready, just in case. Then he slithered up and went in front of the girl.

"Hello, how are you? My name is Jak and I am the official welcomer of the Interface. On behalf of everyone here, I would like to welcome you." Jak smiled, being careful not to show his sharp fangs. "Now, have you heard of our protection program? It is quite simple, and an excellent way to protect yourself. All you do is pay a small fee and you are guaranteed not to die as long as you are level 1. As soon as you level up to level 2, you get the whole fee back. Easy as that, and it helps get you on you feet in the Interface. So, what do ya' say?"

This was one of Jak's better scams and it had worked on many people before. He had no intention of returning the money, and the 'plan' wouldn't offer any protection, but the new players didn't know that and he played on their lack of knowledge.

((OOC: What currency does The Interface use? I would like to know when trying to scam people :P ))


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:18 am 
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Tired after another long day being the receptionist, Klad went home to vent his anger by donning a virtual reality simulator helmet. He logged in and decided to vent some of his supressed anger by going to the Tree of Demise, with whom he had struck a bargain with, to find out who he would assassinate that day. The tree was unusually cranky and only gave him a lowly level 3 player to "remove from the big picture."

He was used to such days though but decided to push his luck and ask, "Would you happen to have a bow and arrow? I'm considering a new weapon. Ninja stars are only interesting to a certain point, catch my drift?"

The tree grumbled and said something about vainglorious fallen angels but produced a bow and a quiver of arrows that were brimming with dark energy.

He smiled, bowed to the tree, and said, "Thank you mighty Lord of Demise. If anymore plants decide to overshadow you, you know who to call."

Then, he flew off before the tree replied.

Catching the breeze just right, he smiled and said to himself, "Yes, it is so much better to actually have wings."

Ooh. It's pretty. :D See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then. :(

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:34 am 
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Kathy took the target, a human named Tarius Alado, into her gun’s sight. She watched his footing closely, and kept him centered in the glass. She wasn’t a very high level, but she had already learn from several past jobs that patience is a virtue. Should there be a stone, step, or anything in the walking path of the target, it could disrupt her entire shot. Everything had to be just right. And so she waited still, counting under her breath. “1..”
Tarius stopped to chat with some furre jaguar girl. They seemed to know each other- the blue head often made warm smiles and hand gestures. “2...”
The furre girl waved, and headed off in the opposite direction. Tarius had began to walk again. One step, two steps… “and 3.”
Kathy pulled the trigger back, and a loud bang filled the air. She waited just long enough to see Tarius fall, and then immediately withdrew her gun and rushed out the back of the hotel, avoiding the scene and panic. A group of elven boys ran past her, hollering excitedly, “Someone’s been shot! Let’s go see if he had any good items on him!” Cheers ran throughout their group.
Killing isn’t such a big deal when it’s a video game. Or at least, that’s how Kathy had always seen it. The character brought down would just get a “game over” and the likes that follows with it. Honestly, she couldn’t really understand why some people would pay so much to have someone killed, especially when their character would just come back later. Either way, it wasn’t her business. As long as she got her payment, all was well.


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:42 am 
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Location: In a hamster cage and covered in Twinkle's glitter.
Franzai approached a man in gray. He then suddenly turned into an alleyway, the man following closely behind him. Their pace was still nonchalant, as if they were part of the crowd outside of the alley. They walked by several homeless people who were sitting and smoking. Franzai stopped abruptly as the two reached an unoccupied dead end after a turn. The man in gray walked past him, unlocked a door, and opened it. Franzai followed him in and stepped farther inside a plain stone room to sit on a wooden bench while the man in gray shut and locked the door. The man in gray then stood in the center of the room and waited for a moment, scratching his chest just below his watchman's badge.

"Fifteen snipers. Twenty-two fortified machine gunners. Nine sorceresses. Eighteen crossbowmen. At least two score patrol the grounds. Another ten of varying skills stand watch at each small gate. One hundred fourteen souls to the night watch. Over two hundred rest in bunks inside the fortress, only including official military personell," Franzai suddenly said.

"Good. You've outdone dozens before you.. Now I know you are certainly a threat," the man in gray smiled faintly but the smile quickly faded as Franzai rose, pulling a pistol from behind his back in an abrupt movement. "Weapons on the floor," the squirrel commanded. The man in gray reached into his coat pockets and dropped two switchblade knives. "The other weapon, too," Franzai continued, holding his pistol steady. He waited patiently for the man in gray to comply.

"We're alike, you know," the man in gray stalled. Franzai still held his weapon level with the man's chest. "Yes. Same skills. But different motives. Therefore, conflict. Place your weapon on the floor or join your knives where I am certain you would rather place your gun than your corpse," Franzai warned. The man in gray reached into a pocket and pulled out a pistol. He acted as if to start lowering it to the floor, but suddenly flicked it forward. A loud bang echoed as the gun was snapped from his hand. It hit the wall behind him and scattered on the floor in pieces.

"I suggest you cooperate from this point," Franzai warned one last time. Seconds later, he left the room into the alleyway. Several real officers of the law passed him and entered through the open door Franzai left behind himself. He had successfully captured his first fellow spy, a more undercover creature than a sneaker, but still a spy. It had been fun, tracking him for days and studying hi habits.

Hamriffic set by stampsyne

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