I've had a number of gross food-related things happen to me. Here are a few:
At a pool/tennis club my family's a member of, there's a soda vending machine. One day, I bought a can of Sprite. I drank half of it, then left it by my chair so I could swim. About fifteen minutes later, I come back, sit down, take a small sip and- OMG WHAT THE HECK BUZZING AAAAAH!!! O_O!
Bees decided to take up residence in my soda. Wonderful. I've rarely drinken Sprite since, and if it's the summer and I'm outside, I
always cover my soda with a towel or something. >_<
Not as gross as everything else, but I used to looove pineapple pizza. One night, my dad orders pizza, I say I want a few slices of pineapple, it's delivered, I take a large bite of one of my pineapple pizza slices and immediately spit it out. The restaurant we ordered from apparently thought we ordered a few slices of pineapple and OMG EW RED PEPPER pizza. I
HATE peppers. I now hate pineapple pizza, as well, thanks to that little mix-up. Bleh.
'Kay, here's a maggot story. =D
I was recruited to clean out my family's food pantry a few months ago. So I'm sorting through the expired and not expired food and lo and behold, about half of all the food had maggots in it. Most were dead. Some weren't. I actually found a
sealed bag of rice that had a squirming, green and most definitely ALIVE maggot in it.
Now, I'm scared to death of all creepy-crawlie things. So I was all, "EEP WHACKWHACKWHACK DIIIIEE MAGGOT MINION OF VOLDEMORT AND SAURON DIEEEEE AAAAH *SCREAMWITHFEARANDRAGE*". It didn't die, so I looked around for a knife to stab the bag with and throw it in the trash. Couldn't find a knife and decided that would make Maggot Minion Rice spill all over floor and on my feet, so picked up the edge of the bag with the tips of my fingernails and slammed it into the trashcan.
I then proceeded to spray down every single shelf in that pantry with heavy-duty cleaning detergent. Which was followed by my running upstairs and hiding in my room, eye twitching. (Okay, so maybe my eye wasn't twitching. But that maggot was freaky, man.)
About two or three years ago, I got out some ice cream from our freezer and ate some. I left the rest of what I'd taken out in the bowl, on the kitchen counter and read for a little while. After that little while, I went back and got my ice cream. It had melted by then, so I slurped a bit of it before discovering that there were
ants all over the bowl and ice cream. I'd somehow forgotten that it was summer, there were ants everywhere in summer and that those summer ants liked their food sugary and, well. Sugary. So I ate a bunch of ants. Fun.
Another ant story, sorry.
One day, I ate some mashed potatoes because I love mashed potatoes and potatoes are yummy. =D Anyway. I also like pepper, so I ground some onto my mashed potato yummyness. I noticed that one thing of pepper I'd ground onto my food was bigger than the others and then OMG IT MOVED. BECAUSE IT WAS OMG AN ANT ACK.
Since then, I've always hit the pepper-grinder onto the kitchen counter before grinding, just to make sure no ants had gotten into the pepper. Eww.
Lastly. When I was in elementary school, we had really good food served to us for lunch. One of the things we had on occasion was white rice. So, one day we had white rice. We were eating happily, and then my now ex-best friend made a stunning announcement. There was a dead bug in her rice. It was shaped like a rice grain/kernel/whatever, but it was quite obviously a bug, with segments and legs and antennae and all. Ewww.
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