Okay, so here's how it started.
I walked to school down the hill and I slip , I go inside and we go to the Computer Lab, I type like 3 pages and then I get the blue-screen-of-doom, I restart and I retype all that stuff, of course I was mad, and then it freezes on me. So I decide to write my book, I start to write and my pencil brakes, then I try to use the sharpener and it's broken. Then I try another computer and the keyboard isn't working, then I try another and the mouse isn't working! Mrs. Malcolm, my teacher says I can type it at home, we're going upstairs and I fall down and my glasses do too. So it's recess and I am walking outside, and I fall down, so do my glasses. Then, this huge icicle falls and hits Maathusan, my friend on his arm, he got constant bleeding and went home. Raman, my friend fell down on the ice mountain thing and burst his nose flesh, he was fine. We go inside after recess and then when we do our test, Mrs. Malcolm's coffee maker brakes while making coffee. So she settles with waht she has, and she accidently spills her coffee on her keyboard, and now e, a, v, p, h and g don't work. Then it's French, I was scared because I forgot my homework at school the night before and she's harsh. But a supply walks in, only to be SO MEAN, we can't even sneeze without being told to "be quiet". Third recess there is a fight, and a guy falls backwards onto me, and I fall. My forehead is scraped. AFter recess was math, I find out that Mrs. Malcolm is gone home sick. Our supply is the mean French teacher. And then I fall off my chair during a test, and then my stuff falls out of my desk, it took long to clean up, by the time I'm done, the test is over, I am not done. I get into trouble. After school ended, it was all good until 5:30 PM. When I go to the store to dom groceries my glasses fall, but this time, I caught them. My candy necklace falls and all of it is gone. Then I get hit by a cart. and this lady rolls over our groceries, squishing out watermelon and Temptation cat food GR! Then when we're walking back, I see her stick up her middle finger at me, so I do it back to her, she made me really mad.
All in one day.
Have you had a bad day recently?
Neopets: Morphone
Maple Story: Animelee, Scania
